Primary 2 Homework Week beginning 2.3.20

Homework Tasks this week-

Reading– core reader (reading book);

Spelling– spelling pattern ew- the common words this week are very and fast

Please encourage your child to:

Say the word   e.g. new

Break it into the sounds e.g. n-ew (2 sounds)

Blend it- n….ew… (stretching out each sound)

Write it (whilst covering the word)

Check it (against the written format)

If possible, tackle one column of spelling on two different nights. Children would benefit from writing a sentence ( or two) each week this term using one or more spelling words- starting with a Capital letter, remember finger spaces and to finish with a full stop/other end punctuation.

There will be a spelling dictation on Friday this week.

Maths- There is no written maths homework this week to allow time to enjoy sharing books and stories. However we have been practising doubles to 20 (and above for some) and near doubles (eg.  7+8= double 7 plus 1) if anyone is keen for mental maths practice.

Please bring homework folders/reading books daily, as children will need these at various times during the week.

Please check your homework folder tomorrow for an invitation to a PEF reading workshop. Each child and their parent/carer has an invitation to one of four reading workshops.  There are four separate workshops to keep numbers in each session low.  Following on from the workshops there will be an opportunity for children to attend a ‘reading café’ with a parent or carer.  A reading café is an informal opportunity for children to read and share books with a parent or carer with a drink and snack available for children.  The reading café will run on four afterschool sessions (dates supplied in tomorrow’s letter).

Thanks for your support with homework. Ms Crawford