Homework week beginning 25.11.19

Primary 2 Homework Week beginning 25.11.19


We have started rehearsing for our Christmas production ‘Wriggly Nativity’. The children are enjoying learning the songs and actions. Primary 2 will narrate the story. Please look out for your child’s line (small slip of paper) in their homework folder and help them to practise it.  Children should wear a Christmas t-shirt or jumper if possible with dark jeans/leggings/joggers.  Please don’t supply Christmas headwear for the show as it can prevent the audience seeing children in the row behind.

The Christmas shows are on Friday 13th November at 10.30am and 1.45pm. Please see your child’s homework folder for the letter with ticket arrangements, which should be returned by Friday 29th November.


Growth Mindset

Today we talked about what learning is. We shared our ideas. Learning is trying to work something out. You need to listen to the teacher and classmates.   It’s about questions.  You need to try hard.  Mistakes are good- they help you to learn. 

In class, we are going to start a question wall. We use the thinking routine I see… I think…. I wonder… to help encourage close observation, connections and generation of good questions, which will help us learn.

We talked about the importance of mistakes. Sometimes we feel bad when we make mistakes but mistakes are an important part of learning. When we make a mistake, Neuroscience tells us that our brains grow more than, if we solve a problem right straight away.  This tells us that we should not be afraid of making a mistake.  Mistakes are good because the struggle we experience when challenged help us learn. We can all learn from our own and others’ mistakes!

We are going to celebrate mistakes. Every week we will look at a Marvellous Maths Mistake of the Week.  We will use this as the basis for a class number talk and will work together to solve the problem and explain our thinking. When we make mistakes and we listen to others and try to understand- we enter the Learning Zone.  If we make mistakes and do not remember that they can help us learn, it is easy to take short cuts that prevent us from learning and growing our brains, such as copying answers or avoiding work or challenge.

Homework tasks this week

Growth Mindset Homework-

We will look a Marvellous Mistake of the Week at the end of the week.  Ask your child to tell you about mistake of the week- over the coming weeks.

Encourage your child to be curious and to question


Book Week Scotland Homework

The children received a Read Write Count Bag today with books, games and activities. Please explore the contents of the bag in place of spelling and maths homework this week.  Please hold on to the contents of the bag- I may ask the children to use the dice and counters in an upcoming homework challenge task.


Reading– your child will read their core reader in school this week due to alternate homework tasks. Please practise your line for the Nativity.


Spelling– your child will practise qu words in school this week due to alternate homework tasks.


Thanks for your support with homework.

Ms Crawford