Homework week beginning 16.9.19

Homework tasks this week:

Reading– core reader (reading book);

Spelling– spelling pattern ng– and common words (are, come, of, new- same as last week)

Please encourage your child to:

Say the word   e.g. ring

Break it into the sounds e.g. r-i-ng ( 3 sounds)

Blend it- r…i…ng (stretching out each sound)

Write it (whilst covering the word)

Check it (against the written format)

This will help your child to use their sounds knowledge to learn to spell.

It will help your child’s learning if you tackle one column of spelling on 2 different nights. An active spelling grid is in the front cover of the literacy homework jotter. You should pick one to try on a third night.

There is a spelling dictation on a Friday. This is recorded in the back of the literacy homework jotter. In Primary 2 this dictation is getting children used to the format of a spelling test which is tricky in itself.



The children have been learning about switchers in class when learning addition number stories. A switcher is when we change the order of an addition e.g.   3 + 2    and 2 + 3   the sums would look different but they have the same answers.

These addition stories should be quite straightforward. We hope the children will be able to recognise them as switcher sums.

To extend the task… Can your child give you quick answers to these sums when you ask them the questions orally? Provide the switcher pairs to encourage your child to link the answers e.g. What is 4  +  3 and What is  3 +  4

If your child is looking for a bigger challenge… Give them a target number up to 10 and ask them to find all the addition stories for that number.  (Clue- there will be 1 more story than the target number (e.g. target of 5- 6 stories:   5+0   0+5   1+ 4   4+1   2+3    3+ 2)


Talking Homework-School rules

Our school rules are Ready, Respectful and Safe.  We use this language in class and around the school and are learning to follow these expectations.  Please discuss with your child what Ready for learning, Respectful and Safe would look like and sound like in class.  There will be an opportunity to contribute ideas to our class floor book this week.

Thanks for your support with homework.

Ms Crawford