Our First Full Week

What a wonderful first full week back at Wallace.  It has been great to see our pupils back and see them happy and engaged in their learning. Our Primary 1 pupils have settled in well and are already part of the team.

At assembly we celebrated some wonderful achievements both in and out of school. Congratulations to everyone who received a HT award or who shared successes on the red carpet. I am so proud of you all. We started our Pupil Voice sessions where pupils worked in their vertical learning groups. Why not ask your child who was in their team? We hope they made new friends and enjoy working with their group over the year.

Look out for the flu vaccination letters in school bags, it is essential these are returned by next Friday. Thanks for your support.

Next week we will have our first visit from the Skoobmobile and our new Active Schools Coordinator is visiting us at assembly.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Mrs Dalrymple