Category Archives: Primary 6/7


Due to COVID restrictions, Primary 7 are currently unable to participate in our traditional Primary 7 excursions. As a result, we are planning to provide 3 days of fun filled activities and special experiences for the primary 7 pupils.  We will be having a raffle to help raise funds for this and some of our local businesses have very kindly donated some amazing prizes.  Thank you to all of them for their generosity.

Please read our letter for more information

Thank you for your continued contribution.

P6/7 – Bring and Buy Sale

        Bring and Buy Sale    


Primary 6/7 are organising a ‘Bring and Buy’ sale on Friday 23rd November. Money raised will go to towards our school funds. Children can bring money to school on the day of the sale. All items will be priced between 20p to £3.

We would be very grateful for donations of toys, books, puzzles, games and ‘U’ or ‘PG’ DVDs ( all in good, complete condition). We will also have a home baking stall and would be delighted with any donations.

Donations can be brought into school and given to Primary 6/7 from Monday 5th November 2018.

Many Thanks.

P6 & P7 Cross Country

Yesterday some of our P6 and P7 boys and girls took part in the Renfrewshire Schools Cross Country in Renfrew. Well done to all who took part on such a blustery day. It was great to see our pupils cheering each other on.

Thank you again to our parent helpers for their support.

Getting ready to go:

Limbering up:

We’ve done it! Some of us look a lot happier than others!: