All posts by Mr Healy

Online Learning Update

Dear Parent/Carer,

School online learning for your child’s class will be uploaded to Google Classroom at 8.00pm the night before each school day.  There is no expectation that your child will access or complete the learning at this point.  Your child may also require the teacher to clarify teaching points or to give additional information in relation to the task during the school day.   

We thank you for your continued support as we endeavour to meet the needs of all of our St James’ families.’

Bishop’s Videos of Rites of Enrolment for First Sacraments

Bishop John has recorded video messages and rites of enrolment for First Sacraments for our P4  and P7 Sacraments classes.

Please watch the videos below to hear the Bishop’s message and participate in the rites with him.


Bishop John Keenan’s message to our parents and children receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion


Bishop John Keenan’s message to our parents and children receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation

Renfrewshire Advice Works Schools Support Service

Renfrewshire Advice Works is a money and debt advice service available to all Renfrewshire residents.

The service offers free, confidential and independent advice on money and debt issues including budgeting, negotiating with creditors, and mortgage and rent arrears – as well as checking individuals are receiving all the benefits they are entitled to.

To read the full parent/guardian letter, click HERE.

Google Classroom Update (21.01.21)

Dear Parent/ Guardian,

We would like to thank you for your continued support and encouragement during this time. The children have engaged in their learning and we are extremely proud of the work they are producing. This week we have started live meets with the class teacher and it has been very rewarding to speak to our pupils.

As we continue with our live meets, it is vital that we keep pupils safe going forward. Can we remind adults that it if you are sitting with your child during the meet that you are not visible on the camera. When meeting with the teacher, it should only be the pupil that is seen on the screen.

As we move forward with our meets teachers will, at some stage, ask children to switch their cameras on during check-ins or small group meets. When your child has their camera switched on they must change their background or apply a blurred background, children will be taught how to do this. We understand that this function is not available on some devices and we ask that your child is sitting with a clear neutral background with no family pictures or personal details that may be seen during the meet. Cameras should never be switched on during live teaching lessons as these will be recorded.

Google Meets will happen every day during the working day of 9:00am to 3:00pm. There is no pressure on parents to make sure your child attends them all. If there is a live teaching lesson that your child can not attend this will be recorded and will be able to be viewed at a later time that week.

Yours Thankfully,

St James Primary School Team 

Online Learning Survey (January 2021)

To Parent/Guardian,

Thank you for all the great work our pupils have submitted last week. Our team have been very impressed with the high standard of the completed tasks.

At St James’ we are continually making improvements to our online learning through feedback from our school community. To help us improve further, we would like you to complete a short survey. It would be helpful if you could complete this with your child.

If you have more than one child and you feel the experience is not consistent across the stages, please complete the survey individually. 

This will close on the 22nd January 2021 at 2.00pm

Many thanks,

St James’ Leadership Team

Letter to Parents – Further Information

Dear Parent/Carer,

May I take this opportunity to wish you and your family a Happy New Year. Whilst we are saddened not to be able to welcome all of our young people back to school in person this term, we can at least look forward to brighter times and the hope that the new vaccines bring us for the year ahead. None of us wanted to be in the position of full national lockdown again but at least this time we have the benefit of previous experience and so are more than ready and fully equipped for the challenges and opportunities of remote learning.

Please read the letter below for further information on online learning.

08.01.21 – Letter to parents carers – further information

Online Learning Information

Dear Parent/ Carer,