You can apply for your child to attend St James Primary at any time during the school year.
In the first instance, please email in the following details to our enquiries address stjamesrenfrewenquiries@renfrewshire.gov.uk
- Parent/carer’s name and address
- Childs name and date of birth
- Name of current school and postcode
Please state your intention to register your child in the email.
On receipt of your email, we will inform you whether we have a space within the year group. If we do not have a space, we will advise you about your options.
If we do have space, we will then ask you to complete an online enrolment form and you will need to provide the following documents:
- Child’s full Birth Certificate (Certificates in a foreign language should be translated to English). If a UK certificate, this should be the ‘Extract’ and not the ‘Abbreviated’ version.
- Most recent Council Tax Notice for current year. If you are not currently resident in the property or have recently moved there, you can provide a concluded missive or signed & witnessed tenancy agreement and your Council Tax application ‘case reference number’ as a temporary measure until you can provide your Council Tax Notice.
- If you are unable to locate your Council Tax notice, please contact Renfrewshire council on 0300 300 0300 or council-tax.finit@renfrewshire.gov.uk and request that they confirm in writing that you are registered at your address.
- Proof of Address. This may include a photocard Driving Licence or a Bank Statement/utility bill showing transactions over the most recent 3 months with the applicant’s name and address. Or if appropriate to current circumstances – Court Order / Looked After Child / Foster Carer document(s)
- Roman Catholic Baptismal Certificate (if applicable)
Once you have submitted the enrolment form and provided sufficient documents, the office will be in touch to discuss a start date.
You can find out more information about enrolling your child here: https://www.renfrewshire.gov.uk/article/11957/Apply-for-a-place-at-school