Lent Reflection Day for Primary School Pupils – Sunday 12th March

The Diocese of Paisley will be facilitating a day of reflection and activities for Primary School pupils (p4-7) on Sunday March 12th at St. James, 50 Greenock Road, Paisley. Beginning at 2pm and ending with Dinner at 5.00pm (collection time 5.30pm), the afternoon will include activities, catechesis and Mass. Pre-booking is recommended but not required. All attendees will be required to bring a completed consent form. These can be collected from Diocesan Primary schools, Parishes or by emailing vocations@rcdop.org,uk. For further information or queries please contact Fr. John Morrison Tel: 01418892026 or e-mail vocations@rcdop.org.uk

Please click here for the Consent Form.


Please note we’ve had to change the location from St. Laurence’s, Greenock to St. James’, Paisley due to building work at St. Laurence’s’


Regrettably, we’ll have to postpone the day for s1/2 scheduled for March 5th.


Kind regards, John Morrison.