Halloween Disco (Parent Group)

The Parent Group are excited to announce the first school disco of the new school year.

Halloween Disco on Thursday 27th October 2022

Disco 1 – P1 to P3 from 6.30pm to 7.45pm

Disco 2 – P4 to P7 from 8:00pm to 9.15pm

Entry to the disco will be £2 and parental contact slips will be issued, to be returned on entry to the disco. There will be a tuck shop for the children to purchase sweets/crisps and a drink.

Previously P1s didn’t attend the first disco of the year as it can be overwhelming for some with the numbers and costumes. If you are concerned about how your child will react at their first disco, we’d suggest that offering to help at the disco is a perfect solution as it allows you to be there if needed.

The disco will only be able to go ahead with support from parents/carers. Anyone who can help at the disco should confirm which disco they can help at, to the parent group through the parent group email address: stjamessrenfrew@renfrewshire.npfs.org.uk

Reminder that all pupils must be collected by a parent/carer from inside the school building at the end of their disco.

Thank you in advance for your continued support.