
Dear Parent/Carer,

I would like to thank all parents and carers who are parking considerately around the school. However, despite recent police presence, there are some parents/carers who have continued to create safety concerns. Can I remind those individuals that there should be no parking in the bus turning circle as this area should be used for bus access only.

We would encourage ALL drivers to use the designated drop off zone at the turning circle at the front of the school on Brown Street. This area is strictly for drop off purposes not for parking. When traffic is allowed to keep flowing, this area will allow pupils to access the school gates safely. Disabled spaces are available at the main entrance for blue badge holders only.

Please also be mindful when parking in the streets around the school not to cover our neighbour’s driveways or on the pavements which can be dangerous for pupils and other pedestrians. Also, the private parking area at Albert Court should not be used at any time.

As a health promoting school we would also suggest that parents/carers consider walking to school, where possible, or alternatively use a ‘park and stride’ approach to avoid causing
further congestion in the immediate proximity of the school.
Thank you again to all of you who have supported the school by parking considerately when dropping off & picking up pupils, we would be grateful for this to continue.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Fitzsimmons