Finlaystone – A Thank You to Our Community

Just a note to say a huge thank you to all parents/carers, family members and pupils for helping to make our Big Day Out to Finlaystone Country Park an amazing day for everyone!  Thank you for sending them ready to learn and have fun in the rain, we all had an absolute ball and our children were a credit to their families and their school with their lovely manners, enthusiasm and engagement.  Thank you also to all family members who were able to come along and help us on the day, it was lovely to have so many of you able and eager to help.  Thank you also to many of you who have spent time giving us feedback.  It has been lovely to see the very positive and heart-warming comments through our various channels and is so good for my team to see that their hard work and commitment is meeting our learners needs.  We are excited for the next session and look forward to working together in partnership with you.

Thank you again,

Natalie Fitzsimmons

Head Teacher