Dear Parent/ Carer,
As you will be aware, numbers of local cases of COVID-19 have risen to such an extent that, in liaison with Scottish Government and Public Health Scotland, Renfrewshire Council have taken the decision to close all schools/ establishments to most children as of Wednesday 6th January 2021.
Given the circumstance of lockdown we will return to the programme of online learning used previously.
After the First Minister’s latest announcement that school children will now be home learning, there is an expectation that all children will be online completing their work and engaging with the learning of their class at some point during the day. This may be in the evening or at a time that is suitable in your home and based on access to devices. As per our attendance policy, if your child is unwell and not going to be able to participate in their online learning, please let the school office or class teacher know each day.
Please read the Sway or PDF link below for detailed information on Online Learning in St James’ PS.