

Homework is an integral part of learning and teaching.  It provides the opportunity for the development of self reliance, self discipline, self confidence and participation in taking responsibility for learning by your child. It also strengthens the link between home and school in providing an opportunity for parents and carers to share in the learning process. Homework can take many forms and will reflect the age, stage and area of learning currently being undertaken by your child.  It will be issued on a weekly basis and will be varied, meaningful and interesting.

Pupils are normally given homework at every stage in the school. Work at home is encouraged for two reasons – it increases children’s independent learning and it allows parents to work with their child. It also allows parents to see what work is being done in school.

Pupils are given work which will help reinforce skills already taught. Homework should not take more that 15 – 30 minutes to complete and children should be stopped from working if they appear to be experiencing difficulty with it. A note to this effect in the homework diary would alert teachers to any problems. Work given includes reading, spelling, mathematics, written language work and research. If would be appreciated if parents would supervise the neatness and legibility of written homework and sign the page, to show that they have checked over the work done.

If at any time you have difficulty regarding your child’s homework, the class teacher should be informed.

St. Anne’s primary school has a homework policy based on Renfrewshire Council’s policy and guidance. You can request a copy of this policy from the school office.

General advice includes:

• help your child to succeed by providing a quiet place to work;
• try to remember to sign homework and diaries, etc;
• encourage both reading aloud and silently at home, from P1 to P7;
• remember to ask your child lots of questions as part of their reading;
• help your child to learn number facts and times tables regularly;
• remember that both written and unwritten homework is valuable;
• encourage children to space out research tasks to avoid leaving it all to the night before it’s due; and
• if homework causes problems do not hesitate to let us know.

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