Category Archives: School News

UNCRC Rights of the Child Booklet

The UNCRC Rights of the Child Booklet is now available below.  This resource provides information for parents, carers and family members about children’s rights and introduces the UNCRC.  To find out more about why the booklet was created click here.

The UNCRC is the internationally mandated children’s rights treaty, which sets out the rights that all children and young people should expect and what they need to grow up happy, healthy and safe.  The treaty outlines the central role played by parents and families and recognises that they also need protection and assistance to support the rights and wellbeing of their children.

Parent Club Children’s Rights Leaflet

Kids Church – 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Hello everyone and welcome to the Sixth Sunday of the year.  The Gospel is full of good news and shows us a new way to live.  Let us answer that call in our school, our families and in our parishes.

For all parents and carers – Look for G.I.F.T on the website link below and click What is GIFT.

When it time for the Zoom event on the 7th March you will be able to click on the Zoom button.

Let us sing

This week you can sing along with this wonderful hymn.


Make time for prayer by sharing this time together.

The resources for Kids Church Live can be found at the link below. You could take time to read the Gospel this week and enjoy colouring in the picture.

CAFOD – Children’s Liturgy

Thanks everyone, and we are looking forward to meeting you on Zoom.

May God bless all the families in our parish with peace and a desire to come close to God.


25th February and 26th February.

Calling all parents and carers to come along to a short presentation after mass.  Bring your family and have some time to reflect on our faith journey together.  All welcome.



Movie Night in Erskine

CatholicErskine are working with churches in Erskine to reach out to families with young children in the community to offer them a Movie Night.

The next Movie Night is in St. Bernadette’s on the 18th February where there will be a popcorn machine and diluting drinks. Entry, popcorn and drinks are free of charge.

Kids Church – 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Hello everyone and welcome to the fourth Sunday of the year.  The Gospel is full of good news and shows us a new way to live.  Let us answer that call.


Our GIFT programme has begun and you are invited to gather after Mass this weekend for a short meeting.  This is one of the opportunities on offer to support you and your family in your journey of faith.  It will be wonderful to see you there.

Let us sing.  This week you can sing along with this wonderful hymn.

Make time for prayer by sharing this time together.

The resources for Kids Church Live can be found here. You could take time to read the Gospel this week and enjoy colouring in the picture.

Cafod – Children’s Liturgy

Thanks everyone, and I am looking forward to meeting you after mass this week.

May God bless all the families in our parish with peace and a desire to come close to God.                                                                                            Amen.



Growing in Faith Together (GIFT)

All parents and carers are invited to participate in Catholic Erskine’s GIFT programme.

They aim to support you as you walk with your family on their journey of faith.

They want to offer you some ideas to help with that journey.

They will offer some time for reflection and prayer as you make your way through the highs and lows of your faith journey.

On the following Tuesdays, please join the zoom session from 7 pm – 7.45 pm.

  • Tuesday 17th January 7pm
  • Tuesday 7th February 7pm
  • Tuesday 7th March 7pm

Catholic Erskine Website

You will find the link under the Family Catechesis.

On the following Saturdays and Sundays there will be a 15 minute session after Mass.


  • Saturday 28th January St. John Bosco after 4.30 mass
  • Sunday 29th January St. Bernadettes after 10.30 mass
  • Sat 25th February St. John Bosco after 4.30 mass
  • Sunday 26th February St. Bernadettes after 10.30 mass
  • Saturday 25th March St. John Bosco after 4.30 mass
  • Sunday 26th March St. Bernadettes after 10.30 mass


Register Your Child for a Free Nursery or Childcare Place

It’s time to register for a free nursery place starting in August 2023.

You can apply for a place if your child:

  • turns 3 on or before 29 February 2024; or
  • turns 2 on or before 29 February 2024 and you were previously in care, or you get certain benefits, or the child is currently in care (such as kinship care).

Please apply by 31 January 2023.

Visit Renfrewshire Council’s website to apply online. You can download a form if you prefer or contact us for a paper form.

You can also find more information on what type of placement you can ask for and a list of all nurseries and childminders in the area.

Kids Church – 3rd Sunday of Advent

Welcome to Advent Week Three.  This is the lighting of the Pink candle.  A sign of the great joy we have about our Advent journey. We are getting closer to welcoming Jesus into our hearts.  So this week, make time for Jesus and think about the Gospel for this Sunday.

Here is the link for some guidance on thinking about the Gospel –

Children’s Liturgy

Activity sheet for Advent Week Three –

Activity Sheet

We had Kids Church live during the weekend masses.

Just to say that the kids were great. Very prayerful and listened really well to the Gospel passage about John the Baptist.  We had 13 in total.  Fantastic start to our work.

For parents and carers, a short reflection on the meaning of Advent.

For families to talk about Advent with Brother Francis.

Kids Church – 2nd Sunday of Advent

Hello everyone and welcome to Kids Church for this week.  It is the Second week in Advent.

What a great day to come to church and see the lighting of the second Advent candle.  Last week you might have picked up a worksheet on the Jesse Tree.  This week there is a colouring sheet and a MOVIE.  Yes, a short film to help you think about Advent.

Kids Church will be on for anyone who wants to come.  Children and families are invited to stay for a short while after mass and enjoy the film and some popcorn.

We have a few dates for you to keep free.

Saturday 3rd December 4.30pm mass at St John Bosco.  Short Christmas film after mass.

Sunday 4th December 10.30am mass at St Bernadette.  Short Christmas film after mass .

Saturday 10th December 4.30pm mass in St John  Bosco. Christmas jumper day – photo opportunity.

Sunday 11th December 10.30am mass in St Bernadette – Christmas jumper day – photo opportunity.

It will be great to see you all there.   All welcome of course.

This Advent programme helps us to grow in faith and to look forward to many more events in the new year where families can be supported in their journey of faith.  Please put the dates in your diary and maybe spread the word to other families.

Here is the link for some guidance on thinking about the Gospel –

Children’s Liturgy

For the illustration so that you can colour in –

Activity Sheet

As always we would love to see your pictures for this Sunday.  Please post them on line.

All those who like to sing should try to learn a hymn for this month.

And if you like to dance along

Free Movies and ideas for Advent can be found at

Thanks and have a good week.  See you on Saturday or Sunday.