All posts by L McDermott

World Book Day

To celebrate World Book Day from Monday 4th – Friday 8th March
we are looking for Parent/Carers and family members
to come into the school that week and read a story to the pupils at a time that is convenient to you.
If you are interested joining in with the fun, please email Kerry Young the member of staff
who is coordinating the event at
Thank you and we hope you enjoy
joining in with the fun!

Parent Council Coffee Monrning

Big big thank you to all of you who came along and supported our coffee morning … we raised just over Β£180 which we will put to good use towards the pupils in the school . Our lovely choir joined us and did a fantastic performance . Money was raised for the scouts who sold their Easter creme egg chicks. 🐣 . Tablet was made by an ASNA and proceeds went to the school prom. We are very grateful to the pupils and staff who helped putting on our event and the staff who came along for a coffee / cake and donated to the event . And last but not least thank you to everyone who took away a football card to sell to help fundraise for the parent council – Big thank you again Riverbrae PC πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘