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Primary 2 open afternoon

Hello all Primary 2 parents,

A little update on this afternoon. Can we please kindly ask that P2G, P2F and P2S parents enter the classroom through their child’s door, where they normally enter in the morning.

P2K parents, can you please enter through the middle playground door.

This is due to Primary 1 having a performance in the dinner hall, before our open afternoon starts.

Many thanks,

Mrs Kane, Mrs Simpson, Miss Hunter, Miss Grant and Miss Finnegan.

Homework w/b 17th June

Good Afternoon everyone!

This will be the last week for formal homework.

There is no spelling homework however we will be revising all sounds learned this year in class if you want to have a look over them at home 🙂 Children have received their last reading book for this year today. If you have any reading books at home can you please ask your child to hand them in.

There is a sumdog contest in Renfrewshire this week which we are taking part in, therefore the maths homework this week is to use sumdog as much as possible. Please let me know if your child cannot log in and I will sort this.

Apologies for the confusion around the PATHS party today. Our PATHS party will be on Thursday 27th June and I will let you know how this will look once I have discussed it with the children.

Tomorrow (18th June) is Seasons for Growth Day and the children can dress up as a season of their choice for a small donation.

We are looking forward to seeing you at our open afternoon on Friday! Thank you for all the slips that have been returned, we have some lovely activities planned for you to take part in with your children. Although we would love to have you all, we kindly ask that only one family member per child attends due to limited space.


Miss Grant


P2F Homework

Hello everyone,

I am sorry for any confusion regarding the PATHS party today. On the blog, P2S made a post about their own party that took place today, however P2F will be having theirs on Monday the 24th.

Also, could I kindly ask that if you have any clear yoghurt/jelly pots to  donate to our class for the open afternoon this Friday. We are super excited to see you there and look forward to showing you what we have been learning.


Reading: New books have been issued.

Maths: Sumdog.

Many thanks,

Miss Finnigan and P2F

P2K Homework w.b. 17/06/19

Hello everyone!

Apologies for the confusion regarding PATHS parties today. P2S are having their PATHS party today, however our party will be next week on Thursday 27th June. I thought it would be a lovely idea to combine an end of year party with our PATHS celebration. The children and I are still to work together to decide what our celebration will look like, so I will blog again when we have had our chat about how it will all look.

As we are nearing the end of the school year, can I please ask that you check at home, in book bags and school bags for any school resources that are still to be returned. Thank you :).

Can I also kindly ask, if it is all possible, that you please send your child in with a carrier bag into school, so they can bring home all of their favourite pieces of work to share with you at the end of the year? Thank you :).

We are so excited to see you all on Friday for our parent open afternoon. As much as we would love to have Parents, Grandparents, extended family and pets here to share our learning with us, due to limited space we continue to ask for only 1 member of the family per child please.

Also a small plea for any small clear jelly pots or anything similar to be donated for our open afternoon.


  1. New reading book
  2. Sumdog – there is currently a Scotland wide competition happening, so anytime on Sumdog would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for all of your continued support this year, I have very much enjoyed getting to know you all. 10 school days to go 🙁

Mrs Kane.


Hi there

Apologies, we do not have a PATHS party today. On the blog, P2S  posted last week about their party today, however, our party is next week and I will let you know the day asap.


Miss Grant

Osprey Science Masterclass

On Wednesday the P2 and P3 Ospreys had a fantastic time doing lots of science experiments! We went on a nature treasure hunt to find different plants throughout the playground. We also made our own lava lamps and enjoyed watching the chemical reaction. Finally, we made our own ice cream! We had a great afternoon.

Paths Celebration

As we are nearing the end of our PATHS lessons for Primary 2, we are going to have a PATHS party in class on Monday to celebrate all the learning we have being doing throughout the year. The children have decided that they would like to bring a teddy from home to meet Twiggle and his friends. Therefore on Monday the children can bring in a Teddy from home and, if they wish, an extra snack to have during the party. We are all looking forward to our PATHS party.

Homework w/b 10/6/19

Good Afternoon everyone!

Here is the homework for this week:


A new book has been issued to each child today.
The spelling rule this week is ‘aw’. The words the children chose were:

Red – draw, hawk, yawn, claw.

Blue – drawing, awful, straw, crawl.

Common words are her, she, saw, was. These words are words that as a class we still find quite tricky.


Money worksheet.

Talent Show

The talent show will take place on both Wed and Thurs afternoon this week. Any children taking part are to have any music or costumes they need in class for Wednesday.

This week is British Science Week! We will be taking part in some very interesting experiments in class. For now, here is an example of a chemical reaction that is perfect for the lovely weather:


Miss Grant

P2K homework w.b. 10/6/19


It’s another fun filled week in Bishopton Primary School. This week we have the Talent Show! If your child is in the final please provide them with an outfit (if they wish to) in a carrier bag on Wednesday and Thursday. I will ensure that your child is changed at lunchtime and ready to go for their performance.

This week also sees the return of the good conditions on the field. P2’s days this week are Thursday and Friday. A gentle reminder to provide your child with a change of shoes for the field, to minimise mud coming in to the school. Your child should change themselves into the shoes at lunchtime, if they wish to play on the field.

Please see this weeks homework below.

Many thanks,

Mrs Kane.

Day Homework Issued Homework Task Day Homework Submitted


Spelling Sound


‘aw’ spelling pattern for the ‘o’ sound.

Spelling –

1.     Words to be written out twice, neatly.  Add at least 2 of your own words using the same rule.

2.    One sentence, using words from that week’s list.

Friday of the same week.


Our Spelling Test and Dictation will be on a Friday morning. Results can be seen in the back of your child’s homework jotter.

Monday Reading Friday of the same week.
Monday Maths Homework – money, coin identification and total. Thursday of the same week.
These homework activities can be completed in any order on any day that you wish.

This table is only for reference as to when each piece of homework will be issued and returned to school.

Please note that reading munch will be every Thursday before break.

Mrs Kane.