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Homework w/b 1st October

Good afternoon! Here is our homework for the week ahead:

Maths Homework is due on Thursday. Spelling and Reading Homework is due on Friday.


Each child has been given a new school reading book to read aloud and discuss this week. These will be collected in on Friday.


The maths homework this week is revision of missing numbers and before and after. I have advised the children that they are welcome to borrow a hundred square from the class should they wish to help them. The sheet should be completed and handed back by Thursday.


We discussed the sound ‘ar’ today and came up with some fantastic words! The spelling words we chose were:

star, car, arm and art.

Our four common words this week are:

at, be, this and have.

As always, please ask if you have any queries either through the homework diary or at the end of the day.

Please remind children to hand in any letters they may have in the mornings along with their diary.

Some letters have been placed in your child’s book bag today.

Miss Grant

More Junk Please!

As part of STEM week which is running throughout next week, from Monday 1st October, we will be engaging in a number of challenges.

We are looking for plastic containers, like strawberry, grape or tomato punnets, and cuboid sized tissue boxes, or similar.

Many many thanks for your ongoing support.  Please send in any of the required pieces from tomorrow.

The Primary Two Team


Your free Primary 2 Read, Write, Count Bag

Your child will soon receive a free bag of books and activities from the Scottish Government’s Read, Write, Count campaign.

Your child’s P2 Read, Write, Count Bag will contain:

  • two picture books
  • a rockets and meteors game with dice and counter
  • reversible clock face with dry wipe pen
  • finger puppets
  • a notebook with a writing pencil
  • a guide with all the information you need to learn at home

The bag is designed to help you and your child to have fun with reading, writing and counting at home.

For more information on ways to support your child

Parent Club:

Simple, fun ideas to help parents to build reading, writing and counting in to everyday life, whether that’s at the shops, on the bus, at mealtimes or simply playing at home.

Scottish Book Trust:

Information about Read, Write, Count Bags in your area.


Up-to-date information about learning in Scotland, practical advice and ideas to support children’s learning at home.


The Primary 2 Read, Write, Count Bag is given out to children during Book Week Scotland (19 – 25 November 2018). You and your family can take part in many events happening in libraries and other venues all over the country during Book Week Scotland. Find out more at

We will be inviting you in to a launch in late November.  More information to follow.


Best wishes

Catherine Davidson

P2F homework


This week the children will be doing their solo talks in class. I have been so impressed with those that have been done so far. It is clear that the children have worked so hard preparing these and they have all been delivered with enthusiasm and confidence, they are great!  I will upload all pictures once each child has had their turn.

All homework for this week is due on Friday. The children have put Sp for spelling and M for maths in their homework diary to save time when writing it in.

Reading – Each child has been given a new reading book which they will read aloud in class.

Maths- In class the children are looking at  different ways of making 10. The homework for this week is the number bond to 10 worksheet.

Spelling –  The spelling sound for this week is ‘qu’. In class we looked at different words that have our sound and the children selected the ones that they wanted to do for their homework:

quick, quack, queen, squid

The four common words his week are:

with, his, they, I

If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to ask via the  homework diary or at the door at the end of the day.

Miss Finnigan

Homework w/b 25/09/18

Good afternoon! Here is our homework for the week ahead:

All homework is due on Friday due to the four day week.


Each child has been given a new school reading book to read aloud and discuss this week. These will be collected in on Friday.


In class we have been looking at making 5 and 10 in different ways. The homework sheet is based around this. I have advised the children that they are welcome to borrow a number line from the class should they wish to help them. The sheet should be completed and handed back by Friday.


We discussed the sound ‘qu’ today and came up with some fantastic words! The spelling words we chose were:

quack, queen, quit and quiz.

Our four common words this week are:

with, his, they and I.

As always, please ask if you have any queries either through the homework diary or at the end of the day.

Please remind children to hand in any letters they may have in the mornings along with their diary.

The solo talks to far have been amazing! The effort put in has been fantastic. I have been so impressed and the children have been very confident. I will put on a separate blog post with some pictures when they are all done.

Miss Grant

Homework W/B 24.09.2018

The children are using a code now to write their diaries to save some time in class. M stands for Maths, R is for reading and Sp is for spelling.

Maths – Homework for this week is Sumdog. Please try and go onto Sumdog each night this week. Also revise counting orally to 100.

Reading – New books have been issued to read and discuss this week.

Wednesday of this week is Modern Language Day and children can come to school in house colours.


Celebrating Modern Languages

I hope you all have a fabulous time over the holiday weekend.  Miss Hunter will look forward to welcoming you all back on Tuesday, 25th September.  I will see you all on Wednesday when we will be celebrating learning modern languages.  Remember this is a House Day, and you should come to school dressed in your house colour.

Bon week-end!

Madame Simpson