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Vowels and Consonants

Today we learned about vowels and consonants. The saying ‘an elephant in orange underpants’ had us giggling but also helped us remember that a e i o and u were our vowels! We wrote our spelling words out in different colours to show the vowels and consonants. We also sorted the letters into hula hoops.

Spelling Crafts

Yesterday we looked at the sound ‘ng’ and had some great word ideas! As king was one of our spelling words, we decided to create some king’s crowns with ‘ng’ words. They turned out beautiful and we had lots of different sound words!



French Numbers

We have just begun to learn our numbers to 20 in French.  We will continue to work on this over the next few weeks, through a range of activities, including singing along to this cool tune!  You might like to practice at home a little too.


Lost Jacket – Please Check

Maya, from Miss Mackay’s class, has lost her red reversible school jacket. It may have happened outside in the playground. It’s an age 5-6. Her name is in one of the pockets ( not sure whether on waterproof side or the fleece). It went missing a few weeks ago and hasn’t turned up yet. If it turns out your child has been wearing the wrong one, it can be passed on to me and I will pass it on.

Thanks, Miss Mackay

Homework W/B 17.09.2018

New reading books have been issued for the week. Read at home and discuss the story with the children. Continue to work on word walls also.

Maths Rockets sheet. Look at the top of the rocket to find out what to add to each number in the rocket.

Solo talks have to be ready for next week. I look forward to hearing them all.

Maths and reading homework is due in on Thursday this week due to the Friday holiday.

Homework w/b 17/9/18

Good afternoon! Here is our homework for the week ahead:

As there is a holiday on Friday, all homework is due in for Thursday. Next week, homework will be given out on Tuesday and due in on Friday.


Each child has been given a new school reading book to read aloud and discuss this week. These will be collected in on Thursday.


In class this week we will be looking at addition. The homework sheet is based around this. I have advised the children that they are welcome to borrow a number line from the class should they wish to help them. The sheet should be completed and handed back by Thursday.


We discussed the sound ‘ng’ today and came up with some fantastic words! The spelling words we chose were:

king, long, song and wing.

Our four common words this week are:

for, on, are and as.

As always, please ask if you have any queries either through the homework diary or at the end of the day.

Please remind children to hand in any letters they may have in the mornings along with their diary.

I have posted the solo talk instructions as a reminder. The children have already been sharing information about who they have been interviewing and seem excited to share this with the class.

Solo Talk Homework

This term the children are learning about People Who Help Us. They have been looking at various jobs within the community. We would like the children to investigate jobs a little further by delivering a solo talk. This should be about a job which someone in your family does.

The solo talk could include the following information:

  • Job Title
  • Why the adult selected this job.
  • Duties involved in the job.
  • Uniform required.
  • Any extra information.

We will be looking for:

  • Good eye contact with the audience.
  • Clear projection of voice.
  • Good pace.
  • Notes used effectively.
  • Children should not be reading their solo talk from a piece of paper.

The children should be prepared to deliver their solo talk the week beginning 24th September.

We look forward to hearing these amazing presentations!

Miss Grant

Magnificent Maths

What a wonderful day we had, celebrating all things Maths 😀🌟 This morning we spent time in each Primary 2 base. Miss Finnigan helped everyone to make a maths thinking hat. Miss Grant had wonderful activities on 2D shape, Mrs Kane was inspiring the children to experiment with shape and colour patterns and Mrs Simpson was looking at pictographs and sorting items into categories. Busy, busy busy!

@BishoptonPS @AttainmentRen #MWSREN @MathsScot @PMCmathematics

A lovely afternoon; Maths learning partnership

                                                        Thank you to all of the family members who were able to come into school today and share in lots of mathematical activities. The children loved having you in, and I hope you had as much fun as we all did. @BishoptonPS @AttainRen @MathsScot #MWREN @PMCmathematics

Maths Day

Today we had a fantastic day in Primary 2! We all rotated around the different classes to do different things in the world of maths. In the Shape classroom, we created our own shape characters! We gave them names and thought about the sides and corners of each shape. Then in the afternoon, we were so lucky to have so many family members join us for some 3D shape monster modelling, 2D shape, patten construction and different maths games. We had a fantastic time. Thanks again to everyone who could make it. I hope you enjoyed your afternoon.

Miss Grant

@AttainRen @MathsScot @RenMathsCounts @PMCmathematics #MWSRENe

Maths Exercise

@AttainRen  @MathsScot   @RenMathsCounts  @PMCmathematics  #MWSREN  #MathsWeekScot @Jack_Hartmann

Who can keep fit and learn numbers at the same time?  This fun action song might help. Maybe you could add some of your own moves.  Have Fun!  Mrs S