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P5R and P2K STEM challenge

On Tuesday, as part of STEM week we worked with our friends in Primary 5.  Our challenge was to build something tall that could stand alone.  We used our Engineering habits of mind to complete this challenge.  We were resilient, curious, reflective and collaborated well with our team.  We designed, made, then tested our creations.

Here are our pictures:



Yesterday and today we were set a STEM challenge across Primary 2. Unfortunately, Cinderella’s fairy godmother had made the pumpkin disappear! Primary 2 came to the rescue by building a brand new carriage for Cinderella that moved using wind power. We created a design for the carriage and discussed what resources we could use. In groups across P2 we created our versions of carriages for Cinderella. We worked very hard to make sure our carriages moved and were a comfortable space for Cinderella to sit on her way to the ball. Thankfully, P2 saved the day and she got to the ball in plenty of time. Well done Primary 2!


Literacy Fun

Today we focussed on what things we need to remember when writing sentences – capital letters at the beginning and full stops at the end. I was a bit naughty and created some sentences with mistakes in them for Primary 2 to fix. They did really well! Others created stars that had spelling rule words in their points, creating at least one of their own. Finally they practised their capital letters by matching them to their lowercase letters.

Remember these rules when doing your homework P2G for some super sentences!

Parent’s night letters were issued today. Please let me know as soon as possible if the time I have given you is unsuitable. I have tried my very best to accommodate everyone.

Miss Grant

STEM Week Day 2

Today we were so lucky to work with P6M to create something that stood tall and alone. We showed fantastic teamwork and evaluated and problem-solved our own creations to adapt and change them. Our finished products were fantastic and we really enjoyed working together.

P2F homework

P2F homework-

Spelling – In p2F this week we are looking at words with the ‘ar’ sound. As a class the children came up with some fantastic words using the sound. The words they selected for homework are:

jaguar, barn, jar, shark

The four common words are:

at, be, this, have

Reading- New reading books have been issued.

Maths-  Children have a number worksheet to complete based on activities we are carrying out in class.

Today P2F worked with primary 6 to create a tower for stem week. The children worked really well together and had a fabulous afternoon.

STEM Week Day 1

Today we were very lucky to have two visitors to our classroom to talk about their jobs within STEM. First we had Eleanor Rathod who talked to us about her job in IT. She explained the different jobs she had in oil rigs and showed us how she helped to test new mobiles for phone companies.  She showed us some old mobiles that only the adults recognised! We found it strange how they were so small! Next we had Martin Banks who is a mechanical engineer working with shipbuilding. He showed us how he had been part of building and testing a brand new aircraft carrier and talked about why he wanted to be an engineer. We loved seeing his pictures of the cars he made when he was younger! Thanks again to our visitors.

Solo Talks

I was so impressed by the effort that all the children had put into their solo talks! Thanks to all the adults who were interviewed by the children about their jobs. They were so confident and enjoyed sharing what they had learned. Here are some pictures.

P2K Homework 01/10/18

Hello everyone!

Homework this week is following the same pattern as previous weeks.

As this is STEM week please hand in any ‘junk’ items you have at home to help us build wonderful models.

P2K and Mrs Kane

Day Homework Issued Homework Task Day Homework Submitted
Monday Spelling – ‘ar’

1.        words to be written out twice, neatly.  Add at least 2 of your own words using the same rule.

2.      One sentence, using words from that week’s list.

Friday of the same week.


Our Spelling Test and Dictation will be on a Friday morning. Results can be seen in the back of your child’s homework jotter.



Maths Activity Thursday of the same week.
Tuesday Reading – new books given out. Tuesday of the following week.
These homework activities can be completed in any order on any day that you wish.


Homework W/B 01.10.2018


New maths sheet issued focusing on missing numbers, numbers before and numbers after.


New reading book issued to read aloud and discuss at home. Continue to revise word walls also.


New rule will be issued on Wednesday.

As this is STEM Week the children have been asked to bring in one piece of junk material for a task tomorrow afternoon (if they can).