Category Archives: Uncategorized

Good morning,

We hope you all have had a lovely weekend.

This week the spelling rule is o_e.

For your spelling homework please copy the words into your homework jotter, two further times.

  1. nose
  2. bone
  3. code
  4. home

Common words

  1. some
  2. her
  3. would
  4. make

Explore the world around you to find other words that use the o_e spelling rule. We would love to hear these words in class.

We would also like you to create a sentence of your own. Your sentence should include at least one or more of the spelling rule words. For example: Tom had a cold nose.

All homework should be returned by Friday for your teacher to mark.


The maths homework grid should be attached to your homework assignment. Remember to only complete one activity a week. The activities chosen should be different each week. This is to give the children some variety.


Your child has been issued a new book to read at home. If possible you could discuss the content of the book. For example: what your child liked or disliked or predictions about characters. This helps support your child’s comprehension skills.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your child’s teacher.


Outdoor Learning Challenge

Welcome back!

With everything being a little different we thought it might be good to give you a reason to take a break. It helps you now and again to step away from the screen and to get out and about in your local area. With this in mind we have set up 16 cards across Bishopton and Dargavel for you to spot when you are out playing or going for a walk. If you find one don’t keep it to yourself; make sure and share where it is with everyone else. There are challenges/ stories/ poems and facts on them.

This is an optional activity and if you don’t want to do any of the suggestions on the card then that is ok. They are simply an excuse to get you out exploring everything our beautiful village has to offer. You may even learn a little Scots along the way.

Happy hunting!

P2 Week Beginning 1/12/2020

Hello everyone,


Please find the homework for this week below.



In class, you will have learned the new spelling rule magic e with a.
For your spelling homework, we would like you to write the spelling rule and common words out three times. We would also like you to create a sentence of your own. Your sentence should include at least one or more of the spelling rule words. If you would like to add more challenge why not try to grow your words or think of other words which follow the same spelling rule. There is an example below. This should be returned by Friday for your teacher to mark.

Here is a little video to help remind you of the spelling rule this week.

Please copy the words below three times.

  1. face 
  2. race
  3. cake 
  4. space
  5. find
  6. now
  7. see
  8. will

Can you try to create a sentence which should include at least one spelling rule word. Here is an example.
I have cake on my face. 

Grow words
face – faces
race – racing 
Words which follow the spelling rule
We love seeing your work, therefore, we encourage you to take a picture and add it to the assignment. You can also add photos to your class notebook or use it to type up your homework.


The maths homework grid should be attached to the assignment. The chilli challenge questions should also be attached. Please remember to only complete one activity a week. The activities chosen should be different each week. This is to give the children some variety.


Your child has been issued a new book to read at home.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your child’s teacher 

P2G Maths Week Scotland

Good Afternoon!

We have had such a great week this week celebrating maths week!
We have learned lots about tiling and used numbers in our PE lessons in games of tig and fitness stations. We completed a maths trail in the playground and made a symmetrical butterfly. We also created our own shape people.  Yesterday, we met a mysterious maths wizard who needed our help solving some maths problems. We also combined maths and literacy by writing a poem about what magical maths items the wizard may carry in his pockets to help him with his maths magic. In the afternoon, a present appeared from him showing us all of his magical items – we were so excited! We have had such a good maths week. Photographs have been posted on the school Twitter.