Category Archives: Primary 2B

Primary 2 Homework W.B. 30/08/21

Good morning Primary 2!

We hope you all had a wonderful weekend and are ready for a fabulous new week ahead 😊

Please find our homework for this week below. A homework letter is also attached for your reference. P2 Homework Letter 21-22


Spelling –

Our new sound is ‘ch’.

‘Ch’ words – chop, chip, chat, march

Common words – the, and, is, you

Please complete your spelling homework which you will find in your child’s homework jotter. Children should write out their spelling words 3 times using the LOOK, SAY, COVER, WRITE AND CHECK strategy. We would also like it if your child could try and think of at least 1 sentence with 1 of your spelling words in it and try to write it by themselves. We are also learning to grow our words. For example chop could be grown in to chopping. If your child can think of any ways that they can grow their spelling words, they can also write these down. I have attached an exemplar piece of homework to help with the layout.

Please return your child’s spelling homework on Friday.

Reading books – This week class teachers are continuing with assessing each child on their reading level. This week your child will be given a library book home to read with a parent/guardian whilst we continue with our assessments. If these could be returned on Thursday, we would be very grateful. If your child has finished their library book before then, they may bring it back and choose another.


Maths homework grid – Our maths homework will be given as an assignment on teams. Within the assignment you will be able to access the grid. Please choose one activity per week to complete and if possible, please add your child’s maths work to their assignment.

Some housekeeping:

If you have not yet returned your child’s immunisation letter to your child’s class teacher, please do so as soon as possible.

Thank you for all of your continued support,

Primary 2 teaching team.

Welcome back Primary 2!

Good morning Primary 2!

Welcome back to a new year at Bishopton Primary. We hope you have had a lovely summer. Mrs Kane, Mrs Brown, Miss Frew and Miss Grant are all very excited for the year ahead. 😊

Some housekeeping:

  • Last year we had some extra routines, such as soft-start, handwashing, and no personal belongings from home. These will continue this year.

  • Primary 2 will be using the middle playground to release children at the end of the day.

  • This year the dining hall will be fully operational. This means Primary 2 will be able to enjoy their lunch in the dining hall with their peers. We are thrilled that Primary 2 will have the opportunity to socialise during lunch again, however, a quick reminder, we are a nut-free school, so please be careful when choosing snacks for interval and lunchtime for your child.

For term 1, P.E. will be outside. The children are not required to change into a P.E kit for now. We encourage children to come in their relaxed uniforms on P.E days. The following timetable has your child’s P.E. days.

Class Days
P2F Miss Frew Monday and Thursday
P2B Mrs Brown


Tuesday and Thursday
P2K Mrs Kane Tuesday and Thursday


We will be issuing a homework letter soon. This will outline the details and expectations for homework in Primary 2. For now, we have created a table for each Primary 2 class, to give you an idea of when homework will be issued and when it should be returned.

P2K and P2B

Homework type Day issued Return day
Spelling homework Monday Friday
Reading books Monday Friday
Maths homework Monday Friday



Homework type Day issued Return day
Spelling homework Monday Friday
Reading books Friday Thursday
Maths homework Monday Friday


If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to get in touch.

P2 Teaching team.