All posts by Miss Grant

Our Frog

Hi boys and girls! I hope you are enjoying your summer holidays! I have some exciting news.

I still don’t have our adoption documents – they are in the mail though! However, the very kind staff at Amazonia have sent us a lovely picture of our adopted tree frog. I have also been told her name is Chubb!

I hope you enjoy looking at the picture! I will post our documents when I get them. She is very cute, I wonder if she is related to Tommy?

Miss Grant

Spelling w/b 4/5/20

Hello everyone,

We hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Like last week,  four activities will be posted on teams each day for you to complete. This week is only Monday and Tuesday, so don’t worry about what you get done.  Please remember that you do not have to complete these for a certain time,  just when you can.  If you are online can you please comment your child’s name on the teams chat. This allows us to take a register and keep track of who has been online.

This week our new spelling rule is ‘al’.

Your spelling words this week are:

  • talk, walk, small, tall

For common words we have created some shoot words from these:

  • talking, walking, smaller, taller

Your child’s teacher will post about our weekly Teams chat, scheduled for each Monday afternoon this week.  Please check your child’s team chat to find out their classes time.

As always, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

Have a great week!

P2 team.

The Use of Microsoft Teams

Hi everyone! Just a quick reminder on how to use teams and what the day will look like:

Every morning your teacher will post a ‘Good Morning’ post. This is essentially a post to register you all, just like we would do in school. Can you please try and reply to this post at some point during the day. If you do not we have to mark you absent.

Can you please make sure you only reply to the posts the teacher makes and do not create your own posts. It clogs up the news feed and important messages get lost. Please do not post gifs in the class teams page. The chill out zone is always available for you to chat with your friends. This will be monitored by teachers.

Each day, you will be set a maths, literacy, health and wellbeing and another task. Sometimes, this will be in the form of an assignment or a post on the class teams page. If this is a post on teams, please submit your work by replying to that post. If you complete work in your notebook, can you please let us know so we can give feedback. You can do this by replying to our good morning post. We love to see your work, but it would help us greatly if you could only post this in 1 place – either news feed (if you are replying to a post), in notebook or in the assignment itself.

Remember to do what you can, the assignments are set for the week so don’t worry about completing them all in the one day. Also, learning can take place in lots of different ways such as through play, games with family, outdoor learning, household chores etc.

As always, we are available throughout the day should you need help with anything. Please do not hesitate to ask. Please do not worry about any technical issues, we are in this together!

Thank you.

The Primary 2 teachers

P2 – Learning from home

Hi everyone,

We hope you’re having a lovely weekend. As we spoke about last week, learning will be a little different. Learning will take place on Microsoft Teams (your child has a username and password for this) and has had practise logging in in class. Everyday, we will post tasks to be completed. These may be in the form of assignments that will be posted on Microsoft Teams, or a message on our class teams page. To complete tasks, you can take a picture of work you have completed on paper and upload it, use the class notebooks function, or upload on assignments directly. Remember you can upload photos of you playing outside too. Don’t worry too much about hand in dates, just do your best to complete what you can. Remember, learning can take place in the form of helping around the house, cooking and baking and going outside in the garden too. Don’t worry if we have a few teething problems with the technology, just carry on doing what you can.

Each day, we will log on from 9am and would ask that you check in with us at some point throughout the day. We will be available to chat if you need anything at all. You can contact us through teams on the chat function, on the teams class page or through email.

Take care, we’re in this together. Don’t forget to play and have fun!

Miss Grant, Miss Finnigan, Mrs Kane, Miss Gilbert, Miss Frew and Mrs Simpson

Glow and Microsoft Teams

Good afternoon,

P2 pupils have been issued with an email address and password for Glow. Please use this to log in to Glow (This is the Scottish Schools National Intranet, you can find it by searching glow in google) The children have been shown how to access Microsoft Teams, which is the app shown first on the Bishopton Apps List.

Please log in using your child’s sign in to check it is working properly. If you have any problems, please let your child’s class teacher know as soon as possible. If you need another note of the email address and password, let us know.

Many thanks,

P2 Teachers

World Book Day – Thursday 4th March 2020

Good Afternoon

On Thursday it is world Book day and children have asked to bring in their favourite book to share with their read and munch partner. The day will be a non-uniform day and children can also wear pyjamas if they wish. There is a £1 donation for this. Some children have asked to wear slippers. We have agreed to this as long as they wear them in the classroom only. They will be asked to change into outdoor shoes for breaks and hometime. We also ask that children are able to read a book to an adult at some point this week as we will ask them about this in class.

We will be doing lots of fun literacy activities in class. Keep an eye out on the blog to see what we are up to!


Miss Finnigan and Miss Grant

Homework w/b 17/2/20

Hello everyone,

Please find Primary 2 homework and reminders below.

At some point over the next few weeks, your child will take home an animal from the Rainforest. As part of our rainforest topic, children have been asked to write a small diary entry detailing what the animal got up to when they took them home. The animal will be taken home for one night only to allow all children to have a turn. If you do not get a chance to write in the diary, we have explained to the children that it is ok to tell us what they were up to instead.

Day Homework Issued Homework Task Day Homework Submitted
Monday– Spelling Sound –  ‘igh’ sound. Spelling Words:

  1.  sigh
  2.  light
  3.  bright
  4.  fright
  5.  been
  6.  called
  7.  who
  8.  am
Spelling – words will be shared on the Primary 2 Blog, weekly.

1.        words to be written out twice, neatly.  Add as many of your own words using the words given. Eg. Chop – chops, chopping, chopped, chopsticks

2.  One or two sentences, using sound words from that week’s list.


Thursday of the same week. Please encourage your child to use a capital letter and full stop in their sentence.
Monday Maths grid – 1 activity per week Friday of the same week.
Monday Reading – new books given out. Friday of the same week.

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Many thanks,

Primary 2 team.

STEM Day 14th February 2020

Today we had our STEM day and what a fantastic day we had.  First we had a great presentation from our terrific STEM ambassador about growing different seeds. We were told that we were going to decorate our own pot to grow some seeds, however we could only decorate our pot with biodegradable materials. We went on a nature walk and gathered different leafs and flowers to decorate our pots. Next, we planted cress seeds. We are excited to watch them grow!

Then we planted a class pot of strawberry seeds after learning all about the different needs of a plant.

We then read a book called The World Came to my Place Today, which told us all about where different materials come from. We noticed that a lot of the materials came from the rainforest, which is our current topic! We were glad to have learned a bit more about it.

Finally, we took part in our cluster STEM mascot competition. We each created a STEM mascot that told us why STEM was important.

We had such a good day and learned lots! Thanks to our STEM ambassador who was a great help to us throughout the day.

Scottish Poems

As discussed with the children today, the deadline for learning the Scottish poems is Monday 27th January. This will allow us plenty of time to hear the children next week.

Kind Regards

The Primary 2 Teachers