All posts by gw07fultonrachel01@glow

P2R Stickman Topic

Today we started our new topic.  We read part of the Stickman story and then went on a hunt for leaves and sticks.  We got a little muddy sorry!!! But we had lots of fun.  We then made and decorated our own Stickman, Lady stick love or children.  We were very pleased with the finished pieces.  

P2R wk beg 23.10.17

I hope you all had a lovely October holiday.  Homework and news as follows:


Spelling – This week we will be looking at short vowel sounds.  We will go over the vowels and practise some words that have the short vowel sound (words that use the letter sound rather than letter name)  For example cat, let, bit, lot, cut.  The words will be quite straightforward this week but the children should also be able to name the vowels by the end of the week.

Reading – reading books will be issued on Monday.  Please read a little each night.  Shortly we will be looking at beginning, middle and end of a story so this can be included in your chats about the book.   i.e. What happened at the start?

New wordwalls have been issued this week.  Please practise the highlighted words but you can do more if you would like.  I will be looking at these at the end of next week.

Maths – This week the children will have pattern homework.  This is looking at colours, shapes and basic number pattern.  We have covered this in class.  This will be issued on Monday and collected in on Friday so can be completed on night that is suitable for you.


This week the children will have new seats in class.  We use lots of different groups for learning so that pupils socialise and work with lots of different children in the class.

We will also be starting our new Stickman topic this week.  We will be completing lots of literacy work around this story and also looking at other Julia Donaldson stories.  The children can bring in any books they own written by this author.  Please remember to write your name on the inside cover so that we can return these books to the correct owners.

Have a great week.

Mrs Fulton/ Mrs MacKenzie

P2R wk beg 09.10.17

I hope you all had a great weekend.  News and homework as follows:


Reading – Pupils will be given a new reading book.  Please read a little each night.  In class we have been focusing on two strategies with our reading.  Looking at the picture for clues and sounding out any unfamiliar words using our phonics knowledge.

Wordwalls will continue to be checked this week and new ones issued if required.

Maths – Pupils should play a little bit of Sumdog each night if possible.  Username information can be found in the homework diary.


This week we have our parent appointments.  I look forward to meeting with you all.

Remember the children are on holiday on Friday.  Have a great October week.

Thank you as always for your support.

Mrs Fulton/ Mrs MacKenzie

P2R news

Today we had a special treat.  We had behaved so well on our school trip that we got the opportunity to try some rainforest foods.  We learned that lots of our fruits and vegetables originally came from the rainforest.  We tried grapes, kiwi, mango, passion fruit and pomegranate.  We also learned that the cocoa bean grows in the rainforest so we had to have some chocolate too.  I was so proud of the children trying new and different foods.  Well done.

P2 Rainforest trip lunches

We are looking forward to our trip on Thursday.  Thank you to the helpers who have kindly agreed to come.  A letter went out today to note down if your child would like a school packed lunch on Thursday.  As Primary 2 receive free lunches they are entitled to a free packed lunch if they wish.  Alternatively you can provide one from home.  Please let us know by tomorrow if you require a school packed lunch so that we can put an order into the dinner ladies.

Thank you

P2 Teachers

P2R wk beg 02.09.17

Good evening.  I hope you all had a great weekend.  Homework and news as follows:



This week our spelling sound is ar as in car and farm.


We continue our reading books.  In class we have been discussing different strategies to use if we are unsure of a word.  These include looking at the pictures, sounding it out and looking at the rest of the sentence and then going back to the word.

Please continue to practise the wordwalls.  Please remember children can practise more than the highlighted words.  I will be checking these this week and new wordwalls if needed, will be handed out next week.


Please continue with the number formation homework.  We have been working on Tens and units in class and the children will be given tens and units homework on Wednesday to complete.


We had a great week last week and enjoyed making our rainshakers with Miss Bachell during Topic time.

We have our Amazonia trip on Thursday.  We will leave school at 9:15 and return at 2:30.  Children should bring a packed lunch and wear school uniform.  If you have volunteered to be a helper I will put a letter into the diary on Monday to let you know if you are needed.  Thank you.  Can I please also remind you that the trip is costing £10 per child and we would ask for this money to be sent in as soon as possible.  Thank you for your cooperation with this.

You should have received your parent appointment time.  Please let me know as soon as possible if the time does not suit and I will do my best to make a change.

Have a great week.

Mrs Fulton/Mrs MacKenzie

P2R wk beg 25/09/17

I hope you all had a great holiday weekend.  Homework and news as follows:


Spelling – this week our sound is qu as in quack and quick.

Reading – Pupils will be issued with a new reading book this week.  Wordwalls will be in their bookbags for practise.

Maths – Pupils should continue with their number formation.


We had a great week last week and worked very hard.  We learned about the Moon in Science, beat and rhythm in Music and started looking at tens and units in Maths.  This is the game we played in Maths to practise our tens and units.

In literacy we have been working on our diary writing skills paying attention to include finger spaces, capital letters and full stops and at least 3 accurate sentences including a feeling sentence.

Parent evening appointments will go out this week on Thursday.  Thank you for returning the day request forms.

We are very excited about our Amazonia trip on the 5th October.  If you are able to be a parent helper on this day please fill in the form and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Have a great week

Mrs Fulton/ Mrs MacKenzie