All posts by gw07fultonrachel01@glow

P2R wk beg 04.12.17

Good evening.  Sorry about the post delay.  Glow was having technical issues this past weekend!!


Spelling homework this week is look at y at the end of words  – as in holly, story, sorry, party.

Reading books continue.

Maths this week will be looking at rounding to the nearest 10.  This is quite tricky.  I have put in a helper grid 100 square to help with this weeks task.

Wordwalls were checked last Thursday.  From now until the Christmas holidays we will revise the wordwalls we have completed to ensure retention.


We are looking forward to our community walk on Friday.  Weather permitting we will be looking at our green areas, road safety in our community and local amenities.

We continue to practise our Nativity songs and we have started giving out instruments to play.  A letter will go out this week with more details including what to wear etc.

Thank you as always for all of your support.

Mrs Fulton

P2R wk beg 26.11.17

I hope you all had a great weekend.  News and Homework as follows:


No formal spelling this week as it is a shorter working week.  The children can practise their phonics skills using these games if you wish.

Maths Homework this week is looking at counting in 2s and 5s.  These skills are very useful when we look at money combinations later in Primary 2.

Reading books continue.  We will continue to look at fiction books until the end of term.  This is helping us with our reading focus of looking at the beginning, middle and end of stories.  After Christmas we will look at non fiction texts.

Wordwalls will be checked on Tuesday this week.


We are off school on Thursday 30th December for St Andrews day.

On Friday 1st December we have our school Christmas house art day.  This is where the children work in their house teams to create a piece of large art for the school display areas.  This year our theme is Christmas carols.  Pupils should wear their house colours –

Hawks (green)

Falcons (blue)

Eagles (yellow)

Ospreys (red)

The children will be using lots of art materials including glue, paint and drawing materials.  It is a fabulous day and we can’t wait.

On Saturday 2nd December the school fair will take place in the school between 1pm and 3pm.

We are looking for more parent helpers to accompany us on our local community walk on Friday 8th December.  If you are able to join us between 9am and 10:30 on this day please pop a note in the diary.

A reminder that the short read, write count event takes place on Tuesday afternoon.

Thank you for all of your continued help and support.

Mrs Fulton/ Mrs MacKenzie

P2R news

We are planning to have our P2 woodland and local community walk on Friday 8th December. (weather permitting)  The children have been learning about the Forestry Commission and ways in which our woodland areas in Scotland are very useful and important to our society.  We watched this video together and had a wonderful discussion about the importance of looking after our woodland areas and our local community.

If you are able to join us on our walk, please pop a note in the diary and we will be in touch as soon as possible.  We aim to leave the school at 9:15 and be back by playtime at 10:30.  Thank you in advance.

This Friday we will continue our read and munch.  Pupils are welcome to bring in a healthy snack and story to read in class.

In the next couple of week we will be beginning our formal French lessons in class. We intend to embed this Language in our everyday routines so prepare for the children to be using French at home and singing some French songs!!!

Merci beaucoup

Mrs Fulton

P2R wk beg 20.11.17

I hope you are all enjoying your weekend.  Homework and news as follows:


Spelling sound this week is ck as in duck and luck.

Reading books continue.

New wordwalls will be out on Monday.

Maths homework will be looking at greater than, less than and equal to signs when comparing numbers.  < =>


The children are enjoying their Stickman topic.  Last week we looked at the importance of protecting our forest areas and local environment.   The children will also be learning about nouns and adjectives, making wrapping paper designs by printing and participating in drama activities around the Stickman book.

Flu vaccinations are planned for Thursday.

We have also started practising for the Christmas Nativity.  The Primary 2s will be singing in the Nativity.  A letter has been sent home with the date of the show in December.  If you have not received this letter please pop a note in the diary and I will let you know the date.

Have a great week.

Mrs Fulton/ Mrs MacKenzie


P2R wk beg 13.11.17

I hope you all had a great weekend.  Homework and news as follows:


Spelling sounds this week are ss and zz as in class and buzz

Reading books out on Monday.  Please discuss the beginning, middle and end of the story if possible.

Maths homework this week will be looking at take away sums.

Wordwalls will be looked at on Thursday this week.


The children have been working very hard in class.  Last week we learned about the Forestry commission in Scotland and the importance of looking after our local areas and green spaces.  The children created some wonderful posters to highlight the things the public can do to protect our green spaces.  Pictures to follow. In  a few weeks we will be going on a local walk in Bishopton.  We will be looking for adult helpers.  More details to follow later this week regarding date and time.

This week on Thursday 16th November, Pupils are invited to dress in something spotty for Children in Need.   Please don’t feel the need to buy something new for this.  Own clothes and a donation will be fine if your child doesn’t own anything spotty.  There will be dancing and a bake sale.  Suggested donation is £1.

Have a great week and thank you as always for your support.

Mrs Fulton/ Mrs MacKenzie

P2R wk beg 06.11.17

I hope you all had a safe and fun weekend.  Homework and news as follows:


Spelling sound this week is ll as in bell and yellow

Reading books continue.  Please discuss the beginning, middle and end of stories with your child as this helps with our learning in class.

New wordwalls out this week.  Words to learn are highlighted green but feel free to do more if your child wishes to.

Maths – This week our homework is looking at missing number sums.  For example  – 5 + ? = 10.  or ? +2 = 6.  These are quite tricky but the children have been working very hard.


Poppies will be available all of this week.  If your child wishes to give a donation and receive a poppy they will be available each day this week.

Have a great week.

Mrs Fulton/Mrs MacKenzie

P2R wk beg 30th October

I hope you all had a great weekend.  Homework and news as follows:


Spelling  – This week our sound is ff as in cliff and cuff.  There will be 4 ff words and 4 common words to learn.

Reading – New reading books out on Monday.

Wordwalls continue.

Maths homework this week is looking at doubles.  There will be a sheet to complete and a computer game to play if possible.


Our new Stickman topic continues.  This week we will be looking at the beginning, middle and end of stories as part of our reading work.  We will also be creating our Stickman family for our wall display.

This term we hope to get outside as much as the weather allows for lots of different subjects.  As such I would be grateful if pupils could bring in a pair of wellingtons for the class to use as and when is needed.  (some children have wellingtons in class already so these are fine)Thank you in advance for this.  They can take them home each week if necessary for weekend activities.

Have a great week.

Mrs Fulton/ Mrs MacKenzie