Primary 2 Homework Week Beg. 07/10/19

Hello everyone, Please see homework and weekly notes below.

Primary 2 notes:

  • No pitch slots this week, but we have the field on Monday and Tuesday. If you would like your child to venture down to our wonderful grounds then please ensure they have a pair of field shoes which they can change into by themselves. Rotas can be seen on your child’s classroom door/window.
  • As Friday is a holiday, all homework should be returned on Thursday. Many thanks.
Day Homework Issued Homework Task Day Homework Submitted
Monday 7th October

Spelling Sound – ‘ff’

Spelling Words:

  1. puff
  2. cliff
  3. sniff
  4. stuff
  5. by
  6. words
  7. but
  8. not
Spelling – words will be shared on the Primary 2 Blog, weekly.

1.        words to be written out twice, neatly.  Add as many of your own words using the words given. Eg. Chop – chops, chopping, chopped, chopsticks

2.       One sentence, using words from that week’s list.

Thursday of the same week.



Please encourage your child to use a capital letter and full stop in their sentence.



Maths Activity booklet – ‘3d shapes’. Thursday of the same week.
Monday Reading – new books given out. Thursday of the same week.


Thank you for your continued support. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher.

We hope you have a lovely and restful October break.

Kind regards,

The Primary 2 Teaching Team.