Primary 2 homework – week beginning 06/09/21

Good morning Primary 2!

We hope you have had a fun filled weekend and are ready for lots of exciting new learning this week.

Please find our homework for this week below. A homework letter is also attached for your reference. P2 Homework Letter 21-22



Our new sound is ‘th’.

‘Th’ words – thin, three, path, cloth.

Common words – that, he , it, was.

Please complete your spelling homework which you will find in your child’s homework jotter. Children should write out their spelling words 3 times using the LOOK, SAY, COVER, WRITE AND CHECK strategy. We would also like it if your child could try and think of at least 1 sentence with 1 of your spelling words in it and try to write it by themselves.  When writing a sentence, please encourage your child to check if they have started their sentence with a capital letter, have a finger space between each word, all words are written on the line and letters are formed correctly. Thank you.

Please return your child’s spelling homework on Friday.

Reading books – The children will be given a new reading book on Friday. If these could be returned on the following Thursday, we would be very grateful.


Maths homework grid – Our maths homework will be given as an assignment on teams. Within the assignment you will be able to access the grid. Please choose one activity per week to complete and if possible, please add your child’s maths work to their assignment. Please encourage  your child to take inspiration from the world around us when completing their maths homework.

Some housekeeping:

The changing weather has brought us some unfortunate rain in recent days. We would be grateful if you could ensure your child has suitable outerwear for play and lunch time Please ensure your child’s jacket is labelled.

Read & Munch will be on Friday . You may bring in a favourite book from home to read in class and a healthy snack – please remember your snack should be a healthy one, such as, fruit or vegetables.

If you have not yet returned your child’s letter regarding school photographs, please do so as soon as possible.

Thank you for all of your continued support, it is much appreciated.

Primary 2 teaching team.