Week Beginning 28th May

Good morning,


Spelling: This week we will look at the sound ‘ou’ as in ‘house’ and ‘mouse’. As you all have your child’s common words list there will no longer be common words in the homework.

Maths: I will be giving out a blank Big Maths Beat That this week. The children have to answer as many questions as they can within 30 seconds.

Reading: There will be no reading books sent home this week. Instead, it would be great for children to bring in a book from home that they can read independently for read and munch and ERIC times. If the children wish they can choose books from our class library.


Sports Day: It’s time for Sports Day already! All being well weather wise, our Sports Day celebrations will take place on Wednesday. Please ensure your child has sunscreen applied in the morning and a sun hat if needed. The Primary 2 slot at the ROF field is between 11am and 12noon. Parents are invited to watch the traditional races during this time. We are still in need of a parent helper to help walk with our class to the field. If you’d like to help, please let me know at the door or pop a note in your child’s book bag.

Trip to Calderglen: Thank you so much for returning packed lunch slips/payment for the trip on Tuesday June 5th. Just a reminder that the cost of the trip is £4. Please let me know if the packed lunch form has been misplaced so I can issue you with another one.

It was lovely discussing your child’s progress with you at last week’s meetings. Thank you so much for your support. Have a great week.

Miss B