Week Beg 28.05.18

Hello! I hope you have enjoyed your Bank Holiday weekend in the sunshine – what wonderful weather we have had! Please see below for class news and homework:

Reading: There will be no reading books given out this week. Instead, children should bring in a book of their choice from home that they are able to read some/all of independently and we will share these in class, both during ERIC time and read and munch time. If your child is unable to bring a book from home we have plenty of lovely stories in our library they can choose from.

Spelling: Our sound this week is ‘ou’ as in house, mouse, trousers.

Maths: There will be no written maths homework to complete this week. Instead children will be issued with a copy of the Big Maths Learn Its that they can practise at home. These do not need to be filled in and returned, they can be kept at home/in book bags for continual use. I will speak to pupils tomorrow about the kind of activities they can do to practise these.

Class News:

Sports Day: It’s time for Sports Day already! All being well weather wise, our Sports Day celebrations will take place on Wednesday. Please ensure your child has sunscreen applied in the morning and a sun hat if needed. The Primary 2 slot at the ROF field is between 11am and 12noon. Parents are invited to watch the traditional races during this time. We are still in need of a parent helper to help walk with our class to the field. If you’d like to help, please let me know at the door or pop a note in your child’s book bag.

Trip to Calderglen: Thank you so much for returning packed lunch slips/payment for the trip on Tuesday June 5th. Just a reminder that the cost of the trip is £4. Please let me know if the packed lunch form has been misplaced so I can issue you with another one.

It was lovely discussing your child’s progress with you at last week’s meetings. As always, thank you for your support this year and I hope you have a fabulous week ahead!

Miss Cauley