P2R wk beg 30.04.18

Good evening, I hope you all enjoyed the lovely weather this weekend.  Homework and news as follows:


Spelling – This week our spelling sound is ow as in snow and blow.  there will be 4 words with this sound and 4 tricky words.  Remember to complete an activity from the spelling grid if you can.

Reading – Books continue.  Over the next few weeks I will be completing running records again with the children to check reading levels.  Next week we will have the Big cat books home again.

Wordwalls – These will be checked on Thursday.

Maths – A fraction sheet revising 1/2s will go home this week.  We will be looking at quarters next week.

The children have been working so hard on time this session.  Please encourage them to recognise o’clock, half past and quarter past at home if you can.  They should also know how to write and say these times in digital.


Last week we continued our new Africa Topic.  We were learning about the differences and similarities between life in Scotland and  life in some areas of Africa.  We watched a clip about the day in the life of a young African girl living in Nairobi, Kenya.  The children then worked with a partner to draw and write about the similarities and differences with our own life.  They all worked so hard.

Our Meerkat now has a name.  Bishy Meer.  We are enjoying hearing about his adventures with the children.

Big Pedal

Big pedal continues this week.  Pupils can bring a bike or scooter each day.


Children are off this Friday 4th May and Monday 7th May.  Pupils return on Tuesday 8th May.

Have a great week.

Mrs Fulton/ Mrs Mackenzie