P2R wk beg 26.02.18

Good evening, I hope you all enjoyed the sunshine this weekend.  Homework and news as follows:


This week our spelling sound will be wh as in whale and what.

Reading books continue.

Wordwalls will be checked on Thursday.  I have highlighted words to learn but the children can do more or less depending on their confidence levels.

Maths homework will be number problem solving this week.


On Thursday 1st March we are celebrating world book day.  Children are invited to dress up as their favourite book character or wear their pjs or onesies.  No donation is required.  If your child has been doing the readathon, sponsor money can be given in to the school from Thursday.

Next week we will be looking at and evaluating our short term targets for this term.  These can be found in their booklet kept in their bookbag.  They will be encouraged in class this week to look at these again and focus on achieving these targets.  This is to make them more aware of their own learning and areas that they need to work on.

Primary 4M, 4C and 5/4 are doing an enterprising topic this term called Micro Tyro.  On Monday they will be selling a variety of cards for 50p and they also have a pop up Magical garden shop.  The magical garden shop will be open break times and lunchtimes Monday to Wednesday this week.  See previous posts for details of what they are selling.

I hope you have a great week.

Thanks as always for your support.

Mrs Fulton/ Mrs MacKenzie