P2R wk beg 19.02.18

Good evening, I hope you all had a great weekend.  Homework and news as follows:


Spelling sound this week is u_e as in cube and rude.

Reading books will be back to our fiction books.

Wordwalls will be looked at next Thursday 1st March.

Maths will be focussed on adding 2 money amounts.


Our primary 2 open afternoon has been planned for Tuesday 27th March.  It will start at approximately 2pm and run until hometime.  A formal letter with details will be sent out this week.  The children are working hard on their topic about Katie Morag and can’t wait to show you all of their learning.  Children will be performing for you and there will be an opportunity to see their work in class.

Have a great week and thank you as always for all of your support.

Mrs Fulton/ Mrs MacKenzie