Wk Beg 19.02.18

Good evening, I hope you have had a fabulous weekend. Please see below for this week’s homework and class news.


Spelling: This week’s spelling sound is u-e as in tube, rude and tune. We will be learning how this sound is different from ew and ue.

Reading: Reading books will be issued this week. If possible please continue to discuss setting, character and plot with your child. We have been learning how to write stories in class and I have been impressed with the characters pupils are creating.

Wordwalls: New wordwalls will be issued this week. A selection of words will be highlighted for your child but please feel free to do more if you wish. You can also ask your child to use these words in a sentence.

Maths: We will be learning all about money over the next few weeks. Children will be issued with a maths homework bingo card and if possible should complete the suggested amount of tasks each week. These are designed to be fun, practical activities to help children get used to using money and counting coins.

Class News:

Papier Mache: Thank you for all your newspaper donations – we had great fun making our sculptures. We can’t wait for you to see them.

Engineering: We have started to design our cars and last week had a visit from our engineer Matthew. He liked our designs so watch this space!

World Thinking Day: Feb 22nd is World Thinking Day. You can wear your Rainbow or Scouting uniform on this day.

Have a great week ahead!

Miss Cauley