P2R wk beg 22.01.18

Good evening, I hope you all enjoyed the snow today!!

Homework and news as follows:


Spelling – This weeks magic e sound is i_e as in kite, bite , fine.

Reading books  -Big cats continue this week.

Wordwalls – All wordwalls were heard on Thursday and new ones/ new highlighted words will be out this week.  I will check these again next Thursday.

Maths – This weeks Maths will be counting in 3s.


On Monday I will hear all of the Scottish poems and those wishing to participate in the school competition will be allowed to recite their poems to other classes.  A class winner will be chosen and they will represent our class at the Burns assembly in school.  I can’t wait to hear their poems.  We are also enjoying learning about Scottish traditions and learning some Scottish songs.  Here is the song we learned last week, the children loved it.



Active school clubs begin this week.

We also had a navy school skirt go missing at P.e time on Friday.  If anyone took it home by accident we would very much appreciate it if it could be sent back into school.  Thank you.

Have a great week.

Mrs Fulton/ Mrs MacKenzie