P2R wk beg 11.12.17

I hope you all enjoyed the cold and frosty weekend!!  News and Homework as follows:


Reading books will be given out on Monday.  We have been working on looking at the beginning, middle and end of stories.  On Thursday the children will be given a chance to tell the class about a story.  They will tell us what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story.   The can also tell us their favourite part or favourite character and why. This could be their class reading book or a book of their choice.  They will be given time on Monday and Tuesday to choose a book if they wish.

Please continue to revise the wordwalls.  A new wordwall will be given out in the New year.

No spelling as we are revising our common words in class.

No maths homework this week


This week we will have our infant assemblies.  Details can be found on your tickets.  Please remember the children should wear a shirt and tie on the day of their performance. They can wear a Christmas accessory if they wish e.g a santa hat.

Christmas jumper day is on Friday 15th December.  The children can wear their Christmas jumpers to school.  A donation can be made to Save the children that day if possible.  The children can also take part in a design the jumper competition for 20p.  Jumper design sheets will be given out tomorrow if they wish to take part.  Entries should be handed by Thursday so that the winners can be chosen.

Christmas lunch is on Friday 15th December.  All orders have been taken and given to to the dinner ladies.  Remember Primary 2 do not need to pay for this as P1-3 are all entitled to free lunches.

Have a great week and we look forward to performing for you this week.

Mrs Fulton/ Mrs MacKenzie