Week beginning 30th October

Hello everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Homework and news below:


Our spelling rule this week is ‘ff’, as in ‘toffee’ or ‘cliff’ and as always there are some common words to learn as well.

Maths homework is an ordering numbers to 20 worksheet. You may use this as a cut and stick exercise or I’m happy for the children to simply write in the numbers.

Reading books have been given out. I will be completing running records over the next couple of weeks to ensure your child is reading at the correct level.


We absolutely love our new Stickman topic and yesterday we collected sticks to make our very own Stickman! This week we will create outfits for him/her and will read through the book.  We will also be looking at the beginning, middle and end of stories as part of our reading work. Talking about the beginning, middle and end of stories (books, tv shows, films, etc.) at home will help solidify the children’s understanding of story sequencing too.

Although it is cold, the weather remains reasonably dry and this term we hope to get outside as much as we can! I would be grateful if pupils could bring in a pair of wellies or older shoes (that are okay to get dirty) for class to use as and when is needed.   These can be taken home each week if necessary for weekend activities.

Thank you to everyone who has sent in boxes and all sorts of materials for our technology topic, it is greatly appreciated. Keep sending them in, the more the merrier!

Thank you for your continued support. I am very impressed with the class’ work ethic and enthusiasm.

Have a lovely week,

Miss Bachell/Mr Collins