P2R wk beg 30th October

I hope you all had a great weekend.  Homework and news as follows:


Spelling  – This week our sound is ff as in cliff and cuff.  There will be 4 ff words and 4 common words to learn.

Reading – New reading books out on Monday.

Wordwalls continue.

Maths homework this week is looking at doubles.  There will be a sheet to complete and a computer game to play if possible.


Our new Stickman topic continues.  This week we will be looking at the beginning, middle and end of stories as part of our reading work.  We will also be creating our Stickman family for our wall display.

This term we hope to get outside as much as the weather allows for lots of different subjects.  As such I would be grateful if pupils could bring in a pair of wellingtons for the class to use as and when is needed.  (some children have wellingtons in class already so these are fine)Thank you in advance for this.  They can take them home each week if necessary for weekend activities.

Have a great week.

Mrs Fulton/ Mrs MacKenzie