P2B Week Beginning 18th September

Good morning,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and a nice start to the week.


Homework was issued yesterday. Our spelling rule this week is ‘ng’ (as in ‘sing’ or ‘thing’). The children came up with wonderful words as a class and even stuck in their own homework into  their jotters- hopefully on the right page!

Reading books were also handed out this week. I will stick a note into each homework diary indicating the book band your child is on. As I said before, some of us may be out of practice from the summer so of course, these bands may change over time. Make sure you try to read a little with your child each day, not just from their reading book. Word walls are also being reviewed.

This week is a 4 day week, so homework will be due on Thursday and that is also when we will have our spelling test.

After the whirlwind of Maths Week we won’t send out maths homework until next week. However, if possible please try to revise number bonds to 10 or 20 with your child.


We had a great trip to the co-op last Wednesday and were lucky enough to have P7H accompany us along the way and to help out. It was a lovely experience for the children.

P7H also joined us for read and munch on Friday, photos to come soon! We are hoping to buddy up with P7H more in the future.

Again, just to remind you- no school this Friday (22nd) or the following Monday (25th).

Have a great rest of the week and thank you for your continued support.

Miss Bachell