P2B – Welcome!

Good morning,

It has taken me a week or so to get my account here set up so apologies for the late blog post!

I would just like to welcome everyone in P2B to the classroom; we’ve had a great start to the term and I know that it will just get better and better. During our first week we were easing the class back into school routine with soft starts, getting to know you lessons and covering classroom rules.

Our P.E days will be Mondays and Thursdays. Please ensure that your child brings an appropriate gym kit with change of shoes. Pupils can wear their red polo top should they wish and black shorts. Gym kits can be left at school.

Spelling homework was handed out on Monday and is due tomorrow (Friday). Spelling homework consists of 4 common words and 4 words with the spelling sound for the week.  Children should be familiar with the common words and this term we are focusing on them being able to spell these as well as being able to recognise and read them.

Reading homework and maths homework will be handed out in due course. Homework letters will also be handed out to children today.

Our first big topic of this term is the rainforest. I am very excited to begin this brilliant topic with the class and I was impressed by their enthusiasm and curiosity for the subject.

Miss Bachell