P2C: Week beginning 21/08/17

I hope you have all enjoyed your weekend. Please find below updates on homework and class news.

Spelling homework was given out today. The focus sound of the week is ‘sh’ and children have been coming up with a variety of words featuring the sound.  Homework instructions are stuck into the front of the spelling jotter.  Spelling consists of 4 common words and 4 words with the spelling sound for the week.  Children should be familiar with the common words and this term we are focusing on them being able to spell these as well as being able to recognise and read them.

Reading homework and maths homework will begin in due course.

We have had a fantastic start to Primary 2, with children enjoying opportunities to take part in art, language, maths and technology activities.

Beginning next week (wb 28/08/17) the children will have the opportunity to share news at a check in time.  Your child will be allocated a day to share their news with the class.  On this day your child can bring in something small to show to the class (with your permission) if they wish.  Pupils can choose just to talk about their news.  A small note will be in the book bag this week to tell you your child’s day.

This term we will be learning about The Rainforest.  Children were given the opportunity to discuss what they would like to learn about their new topic and I was very impressed by the number of different ideas and questions they put forward.  This is a fantastic topic and we hope to book a trip to go along with this topic as soon as we can.

Homework information letters will be in the bookbags this Thursday detailing more information.

Have a lovely week.