Information for Parents/Carers

Happy New Year, I hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable break despite some of the restrictions.


The Newmains staff team return to work today and are working hard to put plans in place for Online Learning which will take place on Google Classroom as before. This will start on Monday 11th January 2021 and further information will follow later in the week about this.


Regarding places in our hub for children of Keyworkers, I received the list of pupils who have applied for a place. School staff will contact each person on the list today to confirm they meet the criteria and check if circumstances have changed since the application was submitted.

Please be patient while we work through this today, where we will work as quickly as we can to contact everyone. I am aware that many applications for a place in the hub would have been made prior to Monday’s announcement by the Scottish Government. With the message that employers should do all they can to support people to work from home, some families may now not qualify for a place.


As part of the phone calls school staff will need to check that you still meet all the criteria as set out. If you no longer require a place please email


We will communicate more information regarding online learning and support we can offer until then I hope the children can enjoy a few extra days holiday and I look forward to seeing them online on Monday.


Thank you for your continued support.


Louise Dunn

Acting Head Teacher