
 The School Day

Secondary Classes: 9.00 a.m. start, and end at 3.30 p.m.

Independent travellers finish at 3.10 p.m.

Lunchtime is from 12.15 p.m. to 1.00 p.m.

The morning interval is from 10.10 a.m. to 10.25 a.m.

Secondary pupils follow a timetable, which is divided, into six periods.

 Secondary Curriculum and Senior Phase

At present our pupils in S1, S2 and S3 have experienced and achieved the outcomes for Curriculum for Excellence. Our S3 pupils make Option Choices for the Senior Phase in the second term of their third year and are presented for SQA qualifications at National 1, 2 and 3.  More information and detail of our Senior Phase can be seen on the Education Scotland website or from Year Heads.

All our young people will experience a broad general education in subjects as follows: In Language at S1 – S3 stages a range of class novels alongside dedicated programmes of learning, such as Barrington Stokes, develop all aspects of language in a motivating way. Our relevant reading material complements our language resources offering everyone access to the curriculum. Throughout S3 your child will have the opportunity to continue their study in more depth before moving on to appropriate National Qualifications in S4.

In Mathematics we focus on skills for life so that pupils have experiences that help them cope with the skills needed in everyday situations. We use Scottish Heinemann Maths and Maths on Track which allows teachers and young people to track progress easily. Broad general education also consists of Social Studies, Pesonal, Social Health Education and Citizenship, Science, Home Economics, ICT, Art, Music, PE, and Religious and Moral Education. A Curriculum for Excellence enriches pupil’s experiences and promotes the practical skills, values and attitudes, which leads them to have positive regard for themselves and others.  Through personalisation and choice we aim to make our young people more successful learners, develop confidence in themselves, responsibility to themselves and others, and to be effective contributors to our school and wider community.

Our young people in S4 will be studying for National Qualifications with the opportunity to specialise in a range of secondary subject areas. Pupils also experience our Skills for Life Learning and Work programme which includes preparing to make vocational choices through investigation and work placements. In S4 your child will spend a short time getting to know about Post 16 by following a taster course allowing them to make the move to their next stage as smoothly as possible.  Our Friday elective programme allows pupils to get involved in a variety of subjects which both motivate and interest them, without the pressure of assessment.

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