Category Archives: Whole School News

Easter Raffle

Our wonderful Parent Council organised an Easter Raffle with some amazing prizes.

The draw was made at assembly on Monday 27th March by a special guest…The Easter Bunny!!!!!

The winners were…

Huge thank you to our Parent Council!


In March 2017 our Primary 7 pupils enjoyed a week long residential trip to Ardmay House along with Mrs Kerr, Miss Lynch and Miss McNeil.

During the week children had the opportunity to experience lots of new activities and learn skills that will stay with them and be useful to them throughout their lives-none more so than putting a duvet cover on!

Children had a fantastic time and have returned full of energy and exciting stories from their time away. We hope you enjoy these pictures from their trip!

Open Afternoon at Heriot

This afternoon we welcomed all of our parents to visit their child’s class to find out all about what they have been learning this term. Parents were treated to lots of hands on activities and were shown round their class by a familiar tour guide! There was a lovely ‘buzz’ around the school this afternoon and I am very proud of how well each child spoke about their learning and how hard they have worked this term. It was wonderful to see so many of our parents and extended family members coming along to support us and we really value this.

Planting with P6 and P7

Today pupils from P6 and P7 worked with Mr McCrorie to learn about all things Eco. They made bird feeders, planted new bulbs and plants and learned about Biodiversity and sustainability. It was a really fun day with all children working really hard in what was very challenging conditions!

Bird Watching

This afternoon the Eco Committee went outside with Mr McCrorie to hang up the bird boxes they had decorated as well as food for the birds. The Eco Committee are hoping that these attract lots of new birds to our garden and tried to spot some with their new binoculars! We are hoping to go back outside in the next few weeks to see if our efforts have been fruitful!

World Book Day 2017

On 1st March 2017 we came together as a school to celebrate World Book Day. Children worked in their four house groups with teachers and support staff. Their challenge was to create their own version of a popular children’s book. Children and adults worked really hard together in the morning and then gathered together in the afternoon to put on a live performance of their production.

Brodie wowed the audience with their performance of ‘The Gruffalo’; Barshaw dazzled with their performance of ‘What the Ladybird Heard’; Durrockstock entertained with their performance of  ‘Jumble Bum’  and Maxwelton captivated the audience with their performance of ‘We’re Going On A Bear Hunt’.

All children earned themselves an extra playtime for their wonderful efforts with Brodie and Maxwelton earning 100 points and Durrockstock and Barshaw earning 75 points!

Well done everyone!


Planting Apple Trees

Over the past few days members of our Eco Committee as well as Miss McNeil and Miss Lynch have been very busy in our gardens. Thanks to a course attended by Miss McNeil and Miss Lynch and run by ‘The Apple Tree Man’ we were gifted 5 apple trees. These lovely trees have been planted around our playground by members of our Eco Committee and will start to bear fruit in 1 to 2 years. We are very thankful for these tress and very much looking forward to making delicious things with our very own, home-grown apples!


Eco Council Prepare for RSPB Birdwatching

This morning the Eco Committee got together to decorate our new bird boxes. Each class has decorated its own bird house and we will varnish these and hang them on the trees in the wooded area  in the infant playground along with some bird food.

We are very much looking forward to taking part in the RSPB bird watching event next week and can’t wait to see how many visitors we have!

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