Category Archives: Whole School News

P7 Prom June 2017

Our Primary 7’s had a wonderful time at their end of primary school prom. The sun was shining and all of the boys and girls had a wonderful evening of dancing, eating and spending time with their friends! Thank you to our Parent Council for the money which made this night possible. Here are some pictures of the evening…

Parent Council Parent Fun Day

We had a wonderful day today! Our Parent Council paid for and organised two giant inflatable for us to use today-‘Terminator Torment’ and a ‘Disco Dome’! They were both so much fun and we loved playing on them!

Our teachers also organised lots of fun activities for us to take part in during the day and we had a fantastic time!

Eco Day-Big Spring Clean

Boys and girls in the Eco Committee decided on the theme ‘Big Spring Clean’ for our Eco Day. In preparation for the day some pupils phoned local DIY stores to ask if they would donate some products to our school.

B&Q in Paisley kindly donated some planters, plants, soil, brushes, gloves and sandpaper. Mr McCrorie took some pupils on a trip to collect these items!

Once all of the planning had been done the big day arrived! We started the day with a House assembly. We learned all about the reasons behind being an Eco School and what we could do to help. We then has a House Quiz with an Eco theme. All of the houses earned lots of points!

Classes then took part in a litter pick and also had the chance to design an Eco Mascot which will become the school’s new mascot!

Boys and girls in the Eco Committee also worked really hard weeding, planting and tidying the gardens at the front of the school. They did a fantastic job!

We also had 11 AMAZING parent/grand-parent helpers who gave up their own time to help us! They worked tirelessly to paint the railings, weed the flower beds, weed the patio and paint the flower beds! The difference they have made is evident from the photos and we can’t thank them enough! The Eco Committee also made them their lunch to say thank you!

A HUGE thank you to everyone for all of their hard work today, I think you will agree that our school is looking amazing!

Food For Thought Breakfast Challenge!

We took part in the Food For Thought Breakfast Challenge today. Children learned all about food groups, sugar in food and the importance of having a healthy breakfast. Staff from Jamie’s Italian in Glasgow and Families First helped to deliver the workshop as well as staff from Hamlyns the porridge manufacturers. Children have been asked to keep a breakfast diary for 30 days with prizes to be awarded for the most creative and well kept diaries.