PATHS Golden Rule

‘Treat others as you would like to be treated.’

At Glencoats we use PATHS which promotes emotional and social wellbeing. We discuss a range of feelings and how we can recognise what people are feeling.

Each day every class has a Pupil of the Day. These pupils are given compliments from their peers which are recorded on a compliment sheet. The teacher also gives the Pupil of the Day a compliment. This is sent home and parents/guardians are encouraged to discuss the compliments and add their compliment and send this back to school to share with the class. Pupil of the Day are identified by lanyards and are rewarded throughout the day.

We made a video about PATHS. You can watch it here:

PATHS in Glencoats

The units of PATHS are:

  • emotional understanding
  • self-control
  • social problem solving skills
  • peer relations and self-esteem

These units are covered at each stage with activities appropriate to the developmental level during each year.

Barnardo’s PATHS Privacy Statement 2020

For more information please visit:

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