Glencoats Flexible Learning Resource (FLR) provides targeted support to staff and primary aged pupils from schools across Renfrewshire.
Our team works in partnership with primary schools by offering strategies and techniques to support children who have social, emotional, and behavioural needs as well as other additional support needs. Within our FLR, we have a clear focus on wellbeing and work to develop key life skills such as resilience, communication, and the ability to regulate emotions and behaviour. Children attend Glencoats FLR on a part time basis and are included in their own mainstream school the remainder of the week.
Some children are also supported in their mainstream school through our outreach Coaching and Modelling service.
Principal Teacher
Mrs Angela Wilson
Mrs Janice Jenkins
Ms Laura Armstrong
Mrs Linzie Docherty
Mrs Carol Ross
Mrs Suzy Christie
Ms Abigail Lindsay
Key Worker
Mrs. Lesley Wren