P6 Home Learning 18/06/20

Good morning P6

Here are the literacy and numeracy tasks for today. Good luck and let me know how you get on 🙂




Today you have a choice of 2 ‘Nowhere Emporium’ tasks. You can choose 1 to do or if you’re looking for a challenge you could try both. Copies of these are at the bottom.


The first one is a Blankety Blank. Read the passage and use the words in the box at the bottom to fill in the missing spaces. Remember to imagine the word is in the sentence and check that it would make sense.


The second activity is a Picture It. This is a description from Chapter 27. I recently read this chapter on Dojo if you would like to listen to it. Use the description to draw your own picture of what is happening. Use the words in the passage to label your picture.




If you do Maths Seeds with Mrs Campbell, play 30 minutes of Maths Seeds. Then play this decimals game ordering the decimals from lowest to highest. http://flash.topmarks.co.uk/4022


If you have Workbook 6 I’m looking for you to complete activities 23 and 27. I have included pictures of these below. Remember you can use the place value table from yesterday to help remind you of the columns for tenths and hundredths.