Category Archives: Primary 1a

Little Red Riding Hood

The Friendly Dragon left us a wolf mask and a picture of a wolf dressed as an old lady.  What story do we know with a wolf in it?

He also left us a red cape.  Who would wear this?

Here we have Little Red Ruraidh Hood trying the cape on for size.

Ah! Little Red Riding Hood of course!

Hansel & Gretel

The Friendly Dragon left us a witch’s hat,

some stones and breadcrumbs.

He also left us some sweets! What could we do with them?

No, not eat them! Make sweetie houses of course!

We coloured in our houses and then glued on some sweets.

Don’t they look just good enough to eat?

Snow White & The Seven Dwarves

An apple?  What story could this be for?


The Friendly Dragon also left us a mirror, the number 7 and the book to read.

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?

We imagined what it would be like if there was an 8th dwarf in the story.  What would they be called? What would they be like? Here are some of our ideas.

Jack & The Beanstalk

The Friendly Dragon left us more clues…

Did you guess what story we have to read next?  That’s right, it’s Jack and the Beanstalk!

The children decided that they would like to make a beanstalk.

We painted leaves different shades of green.

Some of us chose to colour in using pens and pencils.

We used different types of paper to create a collage.

Here is our finished beanstalk! We even have a little character of ourselves climbing up the beanstalk.  I wonder who will make it to the top first?

The Three Little Pigs

The Friendly Dragon left us some clues about the story he would like us to read first. 

A pig mask…

Some sticks…

He also left us some straw and bricks.  Did you guess it was the story of The Three Little Pigs?

We worked in teams to build our own houses.  We tried to make them as strong as we could so they could not be blown down. We chose to make them out of straws, sticks or bricks.

We used play dough to hold the straws together.

It was tricky making it all stick together and stand up without falling over!

We used large lollipop sticks and play dough to build the stick houses.  The walls had to be straight or it would fall down!

We used Duplo for the brick house.  This was the easiest house to build but it took a long time building the walls.

Castle Books

The Friendly Dragon left us a present…

Castle Books! Now we can do lots of story writing.  What shall we write about first?

He wrote us a letter and Rose ‘had a go’ at reading it.  She was able to read almost every word.  Well done Rose!

Thank you to all the children who have brought in fairytale books to share with their class.  We are really enjoying reading them.

Dragon Mail

Primary 1 arrived at school to find a ‘Dragon Mail’ box that was left for them.


Inside we found a letter from the Friendly Dragon.  Miss McNeill read it to us.

Inside the box we also found lots of pictures and fairy dust!

We are all so sad to hear that Once Upon a Time Land is disappearing.  We promise to help the Friendly Dragon by reading and writing as many fairytales as we can.

Fairtrade Art Competition

Every class took part in this year’s competition which was to draw and colour a picture which included the Fairtrade logo. Every class had one winner and the overall winners were Dylan P4a, Jennifer P6a and Sofia P5b. The prizes were Fairtrade chocolate and key rings. The judges were the P4 Fairtrade committee. All the entries were very good and the best are now on display in school.

The Fairtrade committee

The winning pictures

Fairtrade Art Competition 2018

This year’s school competition is to draw a picture which includes the Fairtrade logo, for example as the eye of an animal or in the fabric of a dress. All pupils will have time in class to make an entry. There is a prize for each class. The closing date is 28 February . We are looking forward to seeing lots of imaginative ideas.

P1 Nativity costumes

I realise that it is a few weeks since we sent home the letter regarding  costumes so I hope you find the reminder below helpful.

On the day your child is taking the lead part we will provide costumes for Joseph, Mary, donkey, angels, wise men,  shepherds,  innkeepers and innkeepers’ wives and lambs.  We now  also have outfits for stars.  Black or dark trousers are  still required for the stable cows and donkeys but we have black T shirts for them too.

For the other performances your child will play the part of a citizen and should bring in a simple  costume to wear. This could be a plain coloured or striped dressing gown + a tea towel as a headdress for boys or a simple tunic with a belt + a headsquare or shawl for girls. Some tips for making a simple “no sew” costume can be found at   An old curtain, folded in half with a slit cut for the head to get through can also work very well.

Please note that our dress rehearsal to the rest of the school is on Wednesday morning so costumes should be sent in before then in a clearly labelled bag.

Many thanks for your assistance with this.

Wizard of Oz

This is a live link to this year’s pantomime performance! We’re loving watching The Wizard of Oz – so far we’ve met Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, the Lion and the Wicked Witch of the West. Lots of laughs, songs to join in with and our Christmas lunch to look forward to too!


Bookbug Party!

On Friday, we dressed up as our favourite storybook character.  Miss Sweeney even dressed up too! Can you guess who we are?

We were very happy to receive our Bookbug Family bags and spend some time exploring them with a parent or P7 Buddie.





P1 Library Visit

This week is Book Week Scotland and today all three Primary 1 classes set off to visit Bridge of Weir library where we were treated to some story telling  and had the chance to find out what our local library has to offer. Everyone received a Bookbug Family Bag which contained lovely books for us to take home. Many thanks to Jacqui Gilvaney and the staff from Renfrewshire Libraries who helped arrange our visit.


We’re Going on a Bear Hunt

Last term, Primary 1 learned about different habitats through the story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’.

Long Wavy Grass… swishy swashy


We made binoculars to help us find insects in the grass.


We worked in groups and identified the insects using the picture chart.

We used the iPads to take photographs of the different types of grass and insects.

Deep Cold River… splash splosh

We visited the pond next to school to look for creatures that live in or near the water.


We saw some ducks swimming in the water. If you look very carefully you might just see them! We also saw some tadpoles and frogs.

Thick Oozy Mud… squelch squerch

We went to look for worms in the mud but we could not find any!

We had to charm them to make the worms come out.  By jumping up and down we made vibrations under the ground.  This tricks the worms into thinking it is raining so they come through the soil to have some water.

We were very excited to see that our charming worked!


We made lots of squelchy sounds in the mud.  We had to wear our wellies to do this.

Big Dark Forest…stumble trip


We went for an Autumn walk through the forest in our school grounds.  We collected different types and colours of leaves as well as different sizes of sticks.

Swirling Whirling Snowstorm… wooo hooo

We used our cutting skills to make paper snowflakes.  It was very tricky!

Narrow Gloomy Cave… tiptoe tiptoe

In art with Mrs Devine, we made our own bears.  We used lots of different techniques such as drawing, painting and collage.




Jack and the Beanstalk

We read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and discovered that there are different versions of the same story.

We wanted to make our own beanstalks so we planted seeds and watered them.  We hope they will grow to be as tall as Jack’s!

Oh no! We must have dropped some beans in the corridor! Look what happened overnight!

A beanstalk grew…

and grew…

and grew! Even the giant is stuck trying to get down it.