We’re Going on a Bear Hunt

Last term, Primary 1 learned about different habitats through the story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’.

Long Wavy Grass… swishy swashy


We made binoculars to help us find insects in the grass.


We worked in groups and identified the insects using the picture chart.

We used the iPads to take photographs of the different types of grass and insects.

Deep Cold River… splash splosh

We visited the pond next to school to look for creatures that live in or near the water.


We saw some ducks swimming in the water. If you look very carefully you might just see them! We also saw some tadpoles and frogs.

Thick Oozy Mud… squelch squerch

We went to look for worms in the mud but we could not find any!

We had to charm them to make the worms come out.  By jumping up and down we made vibrations under the ground.  This tricks the worms into thinking it is raining so they come through the soil to have some water.

We were very excited to see that our charming worked!


We made lots of squelchy sounds in the mud.  We had to wear our wellies to do this.

Big Dark Forest…stumble trip


We went for an Autumn walk through the forest in our school grounds.  We collected different types and colours of leaves as well as different sizes of sticks.

Swirling Whirling Snowstorm… wooo hooo

We used our cutting skills to make paper snowflakes.  It was very tricky!

Narrow Gloomy Cave… tiptoe tiptoe

In art with Mrs Devine, we made our own bears.  We used lots of different techniques such as drawing, painting and collage.