Tag Archives: Science

P7 – Our Amazing Brains!

Use the weblinks below to help you complete your Brain Fact File and Senses task.

Our Amazing Brain





Our Five Senses







P7 Zombie Day 4: Solar Oven

Now that you have secured your location and created a way to get cleaner water, it is time to think about food. Sometimes it will be easy to make a fire and sometimes that might not be your best option for cooking food. In some cases, a solar oven could come in handy. Compare and contrast a solver oven versus a fire to cook food below.

As well as designing and building your own solar oven, your group need to research various types of energy sources, particularly those we use in Scotland.

Solar power is one source of renewable energy, however there are other sources as well as non-renewable energy sources. In your group, use the links below to answer the following questions:

1.Identify renewable and non-renewable sources of energy and give an example of how these are used in Scotland.

2.What is another name for coal, oil & natural gas?

3.Name some positive and negative global impacts of using non-renewable and renewable energy sources.

4.Where do we get most of our electrical energy from? How is it transferred to our homes?

5.Suggest ways in which we can reduce our own energy use and live more sustainably.

http://www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/interactives/science/energy/electricity/  (Use the tabs on the left-hand side)

http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/geography/energy_resources/energy_rev1.shtml (Read all three pages)









P7M – Scottish Water Visit

This morning we were lucky to have a visit from Scottish Water. They told us about water production: the cost of processing it and what we can do to help. The main message was about what to flush down the toilet – The 3 Ps! Pee, Poo and Paper. Other products can block the pipes and cause lots of damage.

Thank you to Douglas and Ian for coming to tell us about what we can do to help keep Scottish water one of the tastiest in the world!

P4-5 Science Masterclass

Image result for mad scientist

What a busy hour that was yesterday afternoon! In our Science Masterclass everyone had the chance to make a lava lamp.

There was great excitement at how the water and oil mixed when we were putting the oil in the bottle. We then had to wait until the oil and water had separated before we could add our food colouring. Next we added a small piece of Alka-Seltzer tablet to create the bubbles.

Now for the science bit. Can you remember why the water and oil separate? The oil separates on top of the water because it has a lower density than water. The food colouring falls through the oil and mixes with the water at the bottom of the bottle. The Alka-Seltzer tablet releases small bubbles of carbon dioxide gas that rise to the top taking the coloured water with it. Alka-Seltzer contains citric acid and baking soda which react with the water to form the bubbles.

Remember to show someone at home how it all works. Here are a few photographs from our session. Chloe S was our photographer.






P5S – Science – The Water Cycle

Image result for water cycle

Today we became scientists when we looked at how the water cycle works. We learned some very technical words: evaporation, condensation and precipitation. Can you remember how each stage works? Can you remember how to pronounce the words? Please tell someone at home today what you were learning.

Here are your very own water cycle diagrams. Find your diagram and show it to someone at home.


P5H – The Biology of the Brown Trout

Image result for brown trout

Yesterday we looked at the biology of the brown trout. We learned about all of the different parts on a trout’s body. They have quite a few fins. Can you remember the names of any? Each fin is used for a different reason.  Can you remember why they have them?

To help remember the different parts we are making 3D brown trout. Each fish will then be labelled showing all of the different parts. First of all you had to draw the outline of a trout and then paint on all of the different markings found on their bodies. The trickiest part was painting on the correct side for some of you!

The fish are looking fantastic and next week you will get the chance to complete them and show them off on your wall spaces.  Well done P5H, it was lovely working with you.

Here are a few photographs of you hard at work.

P5S – The Biology of the Brown Trout

Image result for brown trout

Today we looked at the biology of the brown trout. We learned about all of the different parts on a trout’s body. They have quite a few fins. Can you remember the names of any? Each fin is used for a different reason.  Can you remember why they have them?

To help remember the different parts we are making 3D brown trout. Each fish will then be labelled showing all of the different parts. First of all you had to draw the outline of a trout and then paint on all of the different markings found on their bodies. The trickiest part was painting on the correct side for some of you!

The fish are looking fantastic and over the next few days we will have them completed and ready to go on our wall spaces. I look forward to showing them off.

Here are a few photographs of you hard at work.