Tag Archives: R.M.E.

P5 – Ramadan

Image result for ramadan

Ramadan is a major festival in the Islamic calendar. Today you will be learning all about Ramadan and the rituals Muslims take part in during this time.

Learning Outcome:  Through investigating and reflecting upon the ways in which followers of world religions mark major life events and times of year, I can explain key features of such festivals and celebrations.  RME 2-06b

I can show understanding of the beliefs of world religions and explore the similarities and differences between these and my developing beliefs.  RME 2-04c

Please read your task sheet carefully and decide which group member is researching each aspect of the task. Only the links below should be used in this task.

Ramadan: Sara’s Story

Eid al Fitr

Eid al Fitr: The Facts

Newsround: What is Ramadan?

Sawm: Fasting during Ramadan

Ramadan: The Facts  (scroll down to Ramadan)

Ramadan: More Facts

Zakat during Ramadan


P7 – Researching Jewish Beliefs (Jigsaw Task)

Please use the weblinks below to research Judaism and the Jewish beliefs and values. Take notes (key words) in your own words about your specific area of expertise. Be as thorough as possible because you will be the only person in your Home Team that will know that information.

BBC Judaism

Woodlands Junior – Judaism

Kids Window – Judaism

Uri.org Judaism

BJE Judaism

Chabad – Why I like being Jewish?

Religion Facts – Judaism

Jew F.A.Q (use the tabs along the top to navigate the website)

Social Studies for Kids – Judaism

Judaism for Kids

Wiki Kidz Search Judaism

Jewish Holidays and Festivals

Fact of Life – Judaism

P5 RME – Christianity 5.12.16

Today you will be looking at different bible stories and the teachings of Jesus.  Below is an outline of your tasks and links to the information for each group. Please only access the links provided and only the one for your group.


Using the video link assigned to your group, your task is to take relevant notes which can be used to produce a presentation (in a form of your choice) to present to the other groups in your class. Each group member should take their own notes which should then be shared within each group to ensure all group members have the same information.

You have 1hr to complete this part of your task and plan what you need for your presentation and let your teacher know. In your second session you have 1hr to prepare your presentation and in your third session you have 1hr to teach the other groups about your story/teaching of Jesus, present your information to the whole class and evaluate how well you have achieved the success criteria. Each group member must be fully involved with all aspects of the tasks.

Group 1 – The story of David and Goliath  – Video

Group 2 – The Good Samaritan – Video

Group 3 – The Story of Moses – Video

Group 4 – The Prodigal Son – Video

Group 5 – Jonah and the Whale – Video

Group 6 – Jesus and his Miracles – Video



P7 Buddhism Beliefs & Practices


Learning Outcome: I can show understanding of the beliefs and practices of Buddhism and explore the similarities and differences between these and my developing beliefs. RME 2-04c

Skill for Learning: Synthesis – I can research about a belief or practice of Buddhism and explain it to my peers.

 Social Skill: Disagreeing without criticising people – I can show/explain my feelings about someone’s idea/opinion without offending them.


Buddhists believe that the Buddha saw the truth of what the world is like, and they follow his teachings. They have many beliefs and practices they follow in order to live their lives in a Buddhist way.


In your group, you are going to research the key Buddhist beliefs, how they worship and live their lives. You will be researching one of the following beliefs or practices:

  • the 3 Jewels (Triple Gem)
  • the Four Noble Truths
  • the Eightfold Path
  • the 5 Precepts
  • their sacred text
  • how and where they worship (Puja)

You will learn as much as you can about your given subject and present your findings to the rest of the class in an imaginative way. Remember that they do not know anything about your topic, so your presentation should be informative as well as entertaining.

Presentation Criteria

Your presentation should:

  • include key points about your subject
  • inform the class about your subject
  • involve everyone in your group
  • be creative
  • be informative
  • entertain your peers
  • mention how Buddhist beliefs compare to the beliefs of the people on your group
  • be 3-4 minutes in length

Please use the weblinks and video below to find out as much as you can about your given subject.

Please watch the relevant video below:

Triple Gem (no need for sound)

Four Noble Truths (headphones needed)

The Eightfold Path (headphones needed)

The Five Precepts (use headphones if there are any spare)

 Buddhist Worship (headphones are needed)